
Bloodline: All of the vampires descended, through Deliberate Transformation, from a specific Spontaneous Transformation.

“You’ve noticed that the vampires here all have slightly different abilities?”

I shook my head. “Except Mircalla. She can do some freaky shit.”

“Yes, well. Vampirism didn’t spring up from one isolated source. We all evolved slightly differently in different places, and there are different abilities and characteristics associated with each of these Lines.”

-Josephine and Grant – Black, Chapter 12

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But God, that lust. My hands tensed on the steering wheel as I thought of it, wanting even now to touch him again, to feel that brilliant flash of desire. What did they call it in more civilized circles? Chemistry. Yeah. That didn’t quite seem to cover it, though I was closer to understanding what all the fuss about sex was just standing in a room with Black than I ever had been in bed with Max.

-BLACK, Chapter 3, Josephine

Have you ever felt this way about someone?

Introductions: Grant Black

A stranger that you’ve met once, in a brief encounter, shows up while you’re dining by yourself. After trading a few barbs with you, he proceeds to pay for your meal.

“You women today,” he said, ignoring my grabbing for the check as he swept it off the table into his huge hands. “The interesting ones won’t accept a gift, and the boring ones make it an expectation.” He placed a ridiculously large bill in the check wallet and slapped it shut, stowing his billfold in his front pocket. “And so we’re not strangers anymore: I’m Grant Black.”

-BLACK, Chapter 3

So tell me, how would you react to this kind of introduction?