SGRoA post 111 of 122

Yes yes yes, Snowflakes! Because I have Peacock for a while, and because I haven’t seen this show before, AND because it stars James Tiberius Kirk, apparently?!?!?!, I will be recapping Vampire Diaries, aka Pretty People Talking. Yes, you read that right: I’m a slut for Star Trek. Let’s get started!!!!

We are off to a great start, with a deep mist shrouding the forest and a voiceover about being alone for centuries. Lol. Look, man, if you don’t know how to make friends, fangs can’t do the work for you.

Two people driving through the forest, chatting about a… concert, I think? Guy sounded like James Blunt, we already have a James Blunt, they drove an hour each way! Of course they suddenly hit the fog, and then the guy standing on the road in the fog, just as we drive out of cell range. Of course it’s a vamp, and of course both these people die, and then we get a little title sting.

And the hits keep coming! Our main guy, who is the voiceover and the killer, I assume, is now talking about how he should never have come home… but he had to KNOW HER. Cut to a teenager writing “Dear Diary”, and we are in for a RIDE, my loves. This show is gonna suck, I hope in all the best ways.

The diary entry is all exposition: dead parents, depression that’s stopping TODAY, because it’s the first day of school. So these relationships are all going to be exceptionally age-appropriate, wonderful. She lives with a woman doing a Ph.D and a dude. There is no indication of who these people are in relation to her.

In the car on the way to school, the girl driving our girl (my god do I hope people get names soon) says her grandma says she’s psychic, because their relatives are from Salem. I’m glad I’m not doing any sort of substance game with these cliches, I’d be the first known marijuana fatality already.

MAIN GIRL’S NAME IS ELENA, thank you, damn. A bird or something hits the car, and Other Girl pulls over after a brief flirtation with losing control. She then tells us exactly what we just witnessed: “It was like a bird or something, it came out of nowhere.” Good to know I don’t actually have to, y’know, WATCH the show, they’ll recap it all for us! Also, this is right after OG gets on Elena for looking out the car window like she’s zoned out for the last hour or something, instead of enjoying the scenery while listening to a friend. But OG seems way too invested in car eye contact – you know, when neurotypicals have to be dangerous as fuck so they can carry on a conversation in a car? Such a deficit, they should get some ABA for that – so I guess Elena not drilling holes into the side of her face with her eyeballs is some sort of slight, I guess.

Anyway, the point of all that with the bird and whatever is just to establish once again that Elena’s parents died in a car crash, and maybe that she was in the car? That part is much less clear than the bird thing, so I know the writers really have their priorities straight.

Guy in black leather jacket over black hoodie with black sunglasses enters the high school. Do you think that’s him? Our vampire?!?!?!

Elena and OG are walking in, too, and OG wants to call someone the t-slur?! Damn, girl, wtf. Even back in the day that wasn’t acceptable, at least not in my circles. This is from 09, y’all. Not. Acceptable.

Elena waves at a guy in a letter sweater, but he doesn’t wave back. Ex, apparently. And gets concern-attacked by someone named Caroline.

Outside, the school drug dealer is giving pills to a girl, whose boyfriend walks up and makes some sad early 2000s references. Oh, the drug dealer is Elena’s younger brother.

Elena and OG walk by the office, where James T. is signing up for HIGH SCHOOL, which – okay, I’mma go on a tangent here.

Look, I get why it makes financial sense to have teenagers in your vampire stories. I do, I understand capitalism and how it fucks with art, I’m not a child, it’s fine. But. I am wildly uncomfortable with the romances that then must, by definition, exist in these stories. Like. A 30-year-old Josephine and a 600-year-old Grant is bad enough. You get around it with some character work and the understanding that 30 is usually considered grown enough to make bad choices (for fiction’s sake, at least). But these are LITERAL CHILDREN, and while I don’t think teens are incapable of good decisions, I do think they’re not capable of the kinds of complications that come with relationships with immortals. In short:

I also think that no vampire would go to high school. Ever. For any reason. Like, come the fuck on. Literally no one would go to high school if they didn’t have to.

Anyway, he mojos the secretary into thinking he has all his transcripts and whatevers, so he can go to high school, instead of just, like, lurking. You really wanna have homework and be expected to be in class, Jim? I don’t, and I’m very human and only 46, so, like, yeah. Tell me another, young adult vampire writers.

Elena runs into her brother and yells at him for being stoned on the first day of school. She’s gonna “ruin his buzz” every time, because she “knows he’s not this person”. I mean. Kid lost his parents, Elena. I’ve seen zero mention of therapy, so…? How exactly does one deal with trauma, then? Drugs seem a pretty good bet, and hey, he’s being entrepreneurial about them!

Every girl in school wants Kirk’s hot, non-teenage ass, but he only has eyes for Elena. We get to see them staring at each other in history class, and learn they’re from Virginia, so… am I gonna have to watch that video on confederate vampires that YouTube offered me for like two months straight? Bummer, I like my vamps European and unaccountable.

After school, Elena heads to the cemetery to hang out and offer us more diary entry voiceovers. She must have said she was fine like 100 times today, and that was hard. 🙁 (I’m not trying to be a bitch, it’s not Elena’s fault. She’s not dumb, she’s just written that way!)

A crow or raven (I can’t tell the difference, it’s a black Corvid) perches on a nearby gravestone and caws. Spooky! And then someone turns on the ground-level fog machines and she runs away, thinking she sees a figure in the fog, only to run into Kirk and accuse him of following her. Oh, his name is Stefan!

this ship has everything. transporters, holodecks, teenage vampire romance….

To be fair, he does say it STEFan, not stefAHN, so, you know. Of course she’s bleeding, and of course he vamps out, and it looks much better than previous makeup artists were able to do. Paler skin, better contacts, all in all, more realistic looking, so that’s good.

Oh, Stefan has a journal, too! Where he talks about being “unable” to resist her, because he tried so hard, huh? Just couldn’t stop himself from going to her town, going to the high school, finding the office, signing up for classes and mojoing the secretary. Just…unavoidable, really, such a shame he absolutely HAD to do all of that.

Miss Piggy looking irritated or angry

Lil Bro goes to a restaurant where his previous customer – Vicki – is working. She blows him off and delivers food to Elena’s ex, who’s her brother, and who’s eating with the guy who picked her up at school, Travis. Also, she apparently hooked up with Lil Bro – whose name is Jeremy – over the summer, and she’s broken it off, but he keeps harassing her. Fun!

Caroline has all the deets on Captain Kirk, which boil down to a lot of nothing.

Kirk shows up at Elena’s house to apologize for bailing on her earlier, and we get to know that she’s living with her Aunt Jenna. Kirk is also returning her diary, which she dropped at the cemetery. She grabs a jacket and invites him in, but he stays at the threshold, making me think “you don’t have to stay out there” 1. doesn’t count as an invitation and 2. he needs one to enter her home. (Such a bizarre piece of lore for a monster, honestly. I should look up some papers about it or something, because it’s never made sense to me.)

This is the part of the episode where we get nine million tiny scenes in a row, all with, like, half a piece of information. I can’t stand TV structure like this, it drives me crazy to constantly bat back and forth. I’m a viewer trying to understand a narrative, I’m not a pinball. So we had Lil Bro and Caroline, and Stefan at the door, and back to the restaurant where OG (whose name I still don’t know) is talking to Elena’s ex about getting back with Elena. His name is Matt, apparently, and now we’re on to Elena and Stefan walking in and Matt being introduced, and now everyone is sitting at one table. Like. We could have just put everyone in one place from the getgo, trust me.

you knew Trek gifs were coming

ANYWAY. We’re about halfway through! Some dude who looks like the Andrew Lincoln you get on Wish confronts Stefan about the couple killed in the open. Stefan says it was an animal attack, but Rick Grimes isn’t having any of that, thank you very much. He begs his Uncle Stefan to consider that people will remember him, and he’ll just stir things up. You know, for every long, useless closeup of an attractive person, we could just have dialogue that tells us things and lets people sound like people, not like a setup. But this is a pilot, so I suppose I should be nicer.

Data the android laughing on the bridge of the Enterprise-D

Stefan opens a cabinet of his old journals while a cover of “Running up that Hill” plays, his nephew’s denunciation still ringing in his ears. Such drama!!!!!!

In history the next day, only Stefan has the answers about the casualties of the civil war battle fought in Mystic Falls, their town. Stefan of course corrects the teacher. Real low profile there, guy.

Big bonfire that night (I assume, all of these scenes feel like they were written separately and then edited together, nothing happens because of something else, everything happens because that’s how you make hit TV, I guess.), and OG touches Elena, apparently has a vision, and instead of using the very visual medium of television to show it to us, she just tells Elena she saw a crow that was following her.

oh no, I’m being a bitch again

OMG, OG’s name is Bonnie! 24 minutes in! Anyway, she blames her non-visual vision on alcohol, and goes to get some more while Stefan takes Elena off to walk somewhere. Don’t worry, her brother clocks them leaving, she probably won’t die. They recap how they met for us, and then Elena takes like 4 seconds to tell how her parents died (and that she was in the backseat). Stefan tells her not to worry: she won’t be sad forever.

Oh, Vicki’s boyfriend was Tyler, not Travis, and of course he has to sexually assault her for them to break up. Maybe. She’s not interested in Lil Bro Jeremy, tho, either, even though he helped get Tyler off her.

Back to Elena and Stefan, Elena complaining about her ex, Stefan vamping out a little.

Then back to Vicki, because this…. Look, I know it’s supposed to build tension or something, but I’m pretty sure that only works when the people making the media are, like, talented and know what they’re doing, so, you know. She gets stabbed or something, I wasn’t paying a lot of attention because I was writing this paragraph, and also I don’t really care, because someone is going to tell me what happened to her as soon as this Twilight commercial is over.

Matt comes to bother Elena about breaking up with him and moving on, another 2 lines before he’s gone and Caroline is hitting on Stefan for 2 lines and then Elena is talking shit about Caroline to Stefan and then Elena goes after Jeremy and they find Vicki, who is alive still but has a neck wound that makes Stefan run for home. Where a crow shows up, just before Ian Somerholder shows up to complain about the 90s and grunge.

And even they only get like 4 lines before we’re back at the party, Vicki being loaded into an ambulance. Let people talk! Damn! Everyone is still standing around at the underage drinkfest, for some reason, and Bonnie tells Elena that even though she’s not really psychic, she has a feeling this is only the beginning.

Then back to Stefan and Damon (not a Ferengi, unfortunately), where we learn that Stefan eats animals and Damon doesn’t think that’s the stuff, but, like, HOW do you get away with killing these days?! Dude. No. Figure your shit out, because you are putting so many people at risk for your macho nonsense. Anyway, they fight about it, and about Elena, and they’re throwing each other out windows and shit and like, again, no. You do not have breaking windows on the regular money, my guy, I can guarantee that.

We also learn that they have magic rings that let them be in the sun, and what have I done to myself? Taken in by James T’s cute little face and his lovely chemistry with La’an Noonien Singh and I got caught up. Shaking my head at myself. The things I do to entertain… well, let’s be honest, myself, at this point. I’m not sure y’all are out there.

Elena and Jeremy get a little scene where she disapproves of his drinking at the party, though she did the same. And then Bonnie and Caroline, where Caroline laments that no one she likes likes her back, and then Matt watching over Vicki in the hospital. Lotta siblings hanging out together, is that a thing that happens? Mine were all much younger than me, we were never in the same school, but my brothers also never hung out together, and they were all two years apart.

Home stretch, y’all, and I can compliment the music, which is excellent but a little much for teens with fangs, if you ask me.

We do a voiceover wrapup, writing in our little journals, and apparently Elena looks like Catherine, from THE PAST, so we’re hitting all the beats here. Yay? Stefan shows up at Elena’s, and she finally invites him in for reals. (We’ll ignore that there’s no fucking way Virginia is cold outside during August, when schools start. Just be glad he got his little invite.)

Well! That is definitely one of the shows of all time! This is gonna be a fun – *checks how many seasons there are* – THREE YEARS?!

SGRoA: Blood Ties: S1 E21: We’ll Meet Again

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I mean, I certainly hope not, but this is our penultimate episode, so I understand the sentiment. Let’s go!

Vicki’s trying to close up for the night when Coreen brings in a walk-in client. His name is Lee, and he hears Vicki takes weird cases. Sure, she says, and because he looks all of 16, asks if Mr. Wilson stole his ball.

it’s an older reference, but it checks out

No, says Lee: “you have to help me find my wife.”

After our opening credits (which I just learned have a RAP VERSE, it plays over the closing credits), Vicki asks if they’ve been together long, or if it was “a whirlwind schoolyard romance”. Lee says 400 years, a dozen lifetimes, and I assumed he’s a vampire, but no. Coreen says they’re reincarnated, and I guess that’s what we’re going with.

Everyone heads off to Henry’s – Vicki calls him “a historical consultant”, because of course Henry should be involved. Sincerely. He’s had the most experience with weird shit. Anyway, Lee admires his art and starts talking some 1920s slang, which Henry parries nicely. Henry decides Lee is telling the truth, so they should take his case: that is, find whoever his wife has reincarnated as in this lifetime.

He starts taking them through his history. First time they got together, he was “a mohawk guy and she was a preacher’s daughter”. Like, in the 80s? asks Coreen, and yes: 1682! So he was a Mohawk, not a punk, lol. This episode so far is very charming, I’m having fun.

They stole a canoe and drowned, but at least they were together. They met at a tree, and I guess I’m supposed to assume they always meet at the tree, but he doesn’t actually say that till the next scene, where they’re all four looking for the tree. Only it’s gone: victim to a shopping mall. Vicki quips about “urban sprawl”, and I won’t bore y’all with it, but I’m super into urbanism and city planning, so, Vicki, you have no idea, trust. (Watch CityNerd on YouTube or nebula, he’s excellent.)

Henry leaves to get dinner, because despite the fact it looks like it’s maybe 10pm, he’s “running out of night”. He tells Lee to trust Vicki, and Lee says he does, and also he needs a place to crash. Coreen offers the office couch, and everyone disbands for the evening. Oh, excuse me, the deep, dark, dead of night.

Down at the precinct, Captain Lady (I forgot her name again, she hasn’t been in an episode since single digits, I think) tells Cellucci it’s time for his performance review. He’s immediately defensive: he’s up to date on paperwork! He’s maximizing his downtime! Closes come in cycles, he’ll be solving cases again soon!

Captain is having none of it. This cycle has Vicki Nelson all over it. If Mike isn’t careful, he’ll be following Vicki into the dark. Review is tomorrow.

patrick stewart making a "yikes" face
Mike’s face rn

Back at the office, Lee is talking more about his past lives. They’re all jumbled, he can’t necessarily pinpoint who he was last time. He’s seeing a car wreck, a red VW, and Alice, his girl. He thinks his name was John? They always die together, and are born as the next babies. Sometimes they have years together, sometimes only hours. Vicki doesn’t find it romantic, but Coreen is completely starry-eyed. Have to say, I’m with Coreen.

Lee describes his wife – tone deaf, hates cats – and Vicki calls Cellucci to start finding her. But, like, why not start with birth records?! They die together, they’re born close enough to Toronto to always go to that tree – why are we going straight to Cellucci? Who, by the way, pretends Vicki is his uncle when he answers the phone, because Captain Crowley (! thanks, Vick!) is still around. She’s asking for an accident report instead, which…. fine, okay, it’s maybe the last bad episode I have to watch, let’s just roll with it.

not at all harsh, Tai

Some guy in a dark alley throws a knife at Henry, which he catches, and HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS YOU GUYS IT’S BLU MANKUMA!!!!!!!!

Captain Joe Reese himself! Do you think he ever talks about Nick? Wait, he didn’t know Nick was a vampire, did he? How incestuous is the Canadian acting scene?!

Holy crapballs, this is Augustus? Apparently Henry wants to move on, and Augustus Reese is going to help him do that. They set a meeting for the next night at Henry’s place.

The accident report works out for Vicki and Lee. They find Lee’s brother through it – or, well, John’s brother. The accident was 25 years ago, with only one fatality. They go ask the brother about it, and turns out, Lee was in a coma, and it took the brother 10 years to pull the plug. Lee is incensed and yells at the guy that he should have let him go immediately, and of course the brother slams the door on them.

Still no birth records talk.

Cellucci left the accident report with Mohadevan, so Vicki stops in there to read it. Two paramedics got into a fight at the scene, and Alice was apparently a hemophiliac? Which Mohadevan says is very rare in women, but she gets regular emails from the Hemophilia Society, so she knows how many there are in the city, somehow. Just three, so it’s handy that they just sort of… list people’s medical problems in email blasts, I guess?

Me, watching right now.

Vicki and Lee head off to the one woman in the right age range, Helen. Lee knows her at the door, and she certainly seems to know him back, but what’s this? A husband?!?!?! Like, yeah, guy, she’s 25, not 15. Y’all are out of sync. She lies to her husband and says she doesn’t know Lee, and Vicki hustles him out. He fights the whole way, unable to control his emotions.

Vicki asks Henry to talk Lee out of pursuing Helen. Henry refuses, and Vicki’s objections are pretty lame, honestly. She’s 10 years older! She’s married! So tell him to wait a bit, but Helen clearly knew him on that doorstep, and now she’s going to have to make some decisions, but come on, Vicki. Henry tells her she doesn’t understand her client, and that’s true: she’s fighting against belief in him, which isn’t going to help.

So she… gets Helen’s library records?! WTF. How can she even do that? Canada, do y’all have just absolutely zero privacy laws? A little medical record here, a list of library books there… Like, listen, I know America’s a total shithole, but at least Vicki can’t find all the incredibly shitty books I’ve taken out of the library over the years. Damn.

Anyway, Helen has taken out a bunch of books about reincarnation, most of them repeatedly over the last few years. Vicki also has some sort of alert up, because her computer chimes and we find out that a) it’s the month of the anniversary of the car accident, and b) someone sent flowers to the grave of John Smith, aka Lee. But we never get to learn who’s sent the flowers, so I don’t know what this is doing here.

Then there’s a very weird scene of Lee watching Helen’s husband eat a sandwich on a bench. Husband looks up, sees Lee, then Lee disappears when a bus passes, and Husband throws away the sandwich and leaves.

again, me watching rn

Vicki goes back to John’s/Lee’s brother Jeff, and asks if he knows Helen. He says yes, she came to see him when she was a teenager, and knew things about Alice that she couldn’t have known. He says he once went to see Alice while she was alive and he hit on her, and then Helen told him to forgive himself, because Alice had forgiven him. A pause, then he tells Vicki that she dredges up terrible memories every time she comes, so please leave him alone. Vicki quips back “That’s what my mom says every time I go home for the holidays” and wtf, Vicki, don’t just trauma dump on this stranger! And also, wtf, Vicki, cut your bitch mom off then!

So Vicki calls Coreen and says Helen is a liar, which – yes? Did you see her face on that porch? Were you even there, because I was, and obviously she was lying about knowing him, wtf. Her husband was standing next to her! She can’t just break his heart for something she thought she imagined a decade ago! Jesus, the position you all have put her in, the doubts she’s having, the doubts she had ten years ago… This woman is being tortured, she doesn’t deserve bitch Vicki calling her a liar. Fuck’s sake.

Anyway, Coreen and Vicki head to Helen’s, and Lee is already there, on the lawn, listing all the times they’ve found each other. Vicki’s being a bitch about it, but Helen opens the door and comes out to Lee. She asks why he couldn’t stay away, and kisses him, then tells him it’s too late and sends him away. Coreen goes after him, Vicki stays with Helen – only then they’re both in Vicki’s office, for whatever reasons.

Helen’s pregnant, yikes. No wonder she can’t entertain Lee. She and Vicki have one of those weird conversations about love that’s supposed to reveal something about Vicki, but this episode is clearly written by neurotypicals, so I don’t really understand what’s happening here, sorry. Helen loves her husband, obviously. She also loves Lee, and she will forever, apparently, but this is her first chance at having a baby because of the hemophilia and their timing is ruined and it always ended in tragedy, so…. And all of that I get, but I’m not sure why it’s here, or why we’re in Vicki’s office, or why we have to listen to her deal with her own (incredibly stupid) love triangle.

Maybe I just really hate Vicki, Henry, and Mike. Probably more likely.

Henry and Lee are doing much the same.

Apparently Lee is in Letterkenny, and Helen was on Battlestar Galactica, so that’s a fun fact! Two fun facts!

Vicki busts in on the boys’ night and tells Lee to move on, to learn from his mistakes and move on! So Lee just leaves, and then Henry kicks Vicki out for not believing in happily ever after. And then he pulls the trigger with Augustus, so I guess it’s bye-bye Henry.

We are only halfway through this episode, my god. At least Lee is charming, and Joe Reese was here.

Lee runs into Helen’s husband, who… starts physically fighting him? Pushing him, shoving, telling A 15-YEAR-OLD BOY to stay away from Helen or he’ll regret it. AND THEN ACTUALLY STARTS A FIGHT. With a child!

I – uh – I don’t have anything to say, here. What is this plot?! Helen was just telling us how wonderful this guy is, and he’s starting fights? WITH CHILDREN?!

Lee almost kills the guy, and Vicki and Mike have to fight at the crime scene about it. She tells him about the case, and Captain Crowley walks up to yell at them both and threaten Vicki with jail time for obstruction.

Honestly? Crowley’s right! Mike is throwing away his career to help Vicki, Vicki is obstructing cases! Like, I get it, vampires and gods and past lives and witches and shit, but holy crabcakes, stop meddling! Stop using police resources for your own ends! Stop thinking you can do whatever you want because you used to be a cop, Vicki!

even when they’re not cops anymore

Joe Reese – excuse me, Augustus – is at Henry’s, complaining about the wine Henry serves him. He seems much more relaxed in this new job, good for him. This is actually interesting lore, too: Augustus asks Henry a bunch of questions about what he’s looking for, what the territory he’s giving up is like, stuff like that. I love some good procedures and rules of operations, y’all know that.

Augustus’ family has been keeping the peace between vampires for 4 generations! No wonder he went undercover as a police captain! Gotta keep Nick Knight in check, or he’ll be worse than these jabronis.

Lee stops by the office to thank Coreen, then steal her wallet. Jeff offers him a car, and they reconcile before Lee flees.

Oh, good, last 10 minutes, thank the fates. Vicki calls Mike to tell him that Lee might kidnap Helen, and to look up his old acquaintances from 40 years ago. She also tells him that Lee is dangerous – “He’s been a soldier, a trapper, a thief, a tracker” – and all I can think of is Sinatra. Mike calls the car at Helen’s, but no answer, so obviously we’re all converging on Helen’s.

Lee hustles her out the door, despite her saying she doesn’t want to. He ties her to a tree, seems to be killing them both to restart the cycle? She defends her “kind” husband to him, but again, STARTED A FIGHT WITH A CHILD, and Lee is unfazed.

Vicki and Mike arrive at the house roughly together, and Mike tells Vicki to scram before the other cops show up and they both get in trouble. Vicki goes to Henry, runs into Augustus on his way out, but Henry offers to help because kidnapping is a bridge too far.

Helen is trying to talk Lee out of it. She’s tired, it always ends badly. Lee has a gun on her when Henry and Vicki show up, and Vicki spills the pregnancy news. Everyone’s trying to talk him out of it, but isn’t Henry fast enough to disarm him? It’s a gun, not a stake, what is Henry doing?! Why is he even here?

Next scene, Lee is in the box with Cellucci, because apparently he just gave up? Excellent writing, thanks, love it.

Lee takes a plea, Mike calls the office and tells Coreen, but doesn’t want to talk to Vicki. Vicki also tells Coreen that Henry’s moving on, and we end on a shot of Vicki, staring out at the rain.

Only one more to go!

SGRoA: Blood Ties, S1 E18: Drawn and Quartered

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Fun Fact: when I was in school, first learning about the constitution – so, like, maybe 1st or 2nd grade? – I knew what being drawn and quartered was, but didn’t know that “quartering” was also giving someone a place to stay. So little 7-year-old me was mightily confused by the amendment that protects us from having to quarter soldiers. Like, yeah, I sure hope we don’t have to, damn. Were the British so brutal that everyone wanted to chop people up?!

Oh, well, I mean, nothing about Britons makes me think otherwise, actually, so….maybe I was on to something?

Let’s get on to this recap!

Vicki and Henry are doing a little PI B&E in order to plant bugs in some guy’s office. Henry invites Vicki to a fine art show at a gallery: he has a piece in it, because the show is about the dark side of humanity.

Cut to the gallery: The curator (? I know fuck all about galleries) is leaving a message for someone about showing up to hang the pieces for the show. He says it’s his own fault for thinking the other person would keep a promise for once, and he looks vaguely like my friend Brian. Shout out to Brian!

He gets off the phone and starts looking at the paintings, going to hang them himself, I assume. He puts one on the wall. It’s a big canvas of a house that looks like a bigger version of those Scary Stories illustrations, and it has a window with dangling feet in it – a suicide, one assumes. He says the guy in the painting had no reason to swing: he didn’t have to deal with Maya, the elusive phone interlocutor. He goes out of the room, and someone – something? – walks past the camera behind him. He goes by the painting again, and the legs are gone, and then so is Brian.

alas, poor Brian, we hardly knew ye

Henry shows up at the office the next night, only now it’s not to collect Vicki for the show, it’s to have her start investigating Brian’s disappearance. Guess the picture guy dumped the body, too!

Apparently, Maya is Brian’s girlfriend? And, like, far be it from me to police people’s identities, but Brian was super gay, so that’s surprising. Maya also has an occult symbol tattoo, and she and Vicki admire each other’s ink. Bet Maya’s isn’t as active as Vicki’s.

Maya is… not a good actress, or is super sketchy, I can’t tell if it’s purposeful or not. No eye contact, Henry says she’s a friend, but she’s spacey and self-centered, too hippy-dippy to even have had anything she was doing the night before except “opening herself up to the universe”. Because this show is chockablock with horrible assholes, I have no idea if I’m supposed to like or trust her.

this gif is to Blood Ties was professionalism was to Forever Knight

Vicki and Coreen head to the show, which is going on anyway, mostly to nose around and ask questions. Coreen is excited: she loves “hanging out with artists”. Vicki tells her that makes one of them, and Coreen should “go be pretentious, or whatever it is they do”.

Henry’s piece is a comic-style panel of Vicki killing…something, I can’t tell what, with two handguns. A smarmy little character starts chatting her up about how Fitzroys don’t go on the market very often, and he’s already bought it, and how Maya was planning on dumping Brian. (His name in-show is Jude, but nah, Brian.)

Coreen is also being chatted up by a smarmer, this one younger and more threatening – definitely a whiff of “nice guy” on this one. But Coreen also has better things to say about the art. Most of it is trying too hard to be dark, to fit the theme – but this painting of a house, now, that understood the assignment. The legs are back in the window, and Smarmy No. 2 is the artist, of course.

Mike and Dave find Brian sitting upright, in a chair, on a street corner. Wallet’s still on him, even.

Henry is wearing some industrial-grade guyliner, and Vicki and Coreen have discovered that basically everyone hates Maya, and Coreen has discovered a bunch about Smarmy No. 2, aka Tyrone. Who also hated Maya. The only person who doesn’t hate Maya seems to be Henry, who insists she’s a friend. He met her a couple months ago, and she “experiences the world directly” so as not to “censor” herself, and that’s “admirable”.

Maya shows up with yet another guy, looking very distraught about Brian’s disappearance, and Henry hurries off to talk to her. “Friends,” says Vicki, “riiiiiiiiiiight.” She also notices that the symbol Maya has as a tattoo is in the corner of Tyrone’s painting. She turns to get her camera from the coat check, and runs into Mike, here to notify about Brian.

The main trio go down to Mohadevan’s office, where Henry is a bitch to everyone because he likes Maya for whatever reason, and believes she didn’t kill anyone. Which, like, literally no one said she did. Seriously. Mike asked her where she was, and if she fought with Brian, that’s it. 100% super standard shit. But noooooo, it’s some plot from Mike, and Vicki HAS to prove Maya didn’t do it!! Jesus, Henry’s acting like he’s 12 or some shit. Vicki says she’ll find the killer, Mike tells her to keep Henry on a leash, and Mike and Henry both leave without talking to Mohadevan at all.

Vicki, does, though. Brian drowned. In paint.

the 10th doctor looking confused, with the caption "What?"

Henry mojos Maya about Brian. She had spoken to him before the night he died? or on it? It’s unclear, but she was cheating on him, and he found out, but she never came back to the gallery, so.

Henry and Vicki meet to… have a fight about Maya, apparently. I think it’s supposed to be an update on the case, but Henry’s all “she didn’t do it, I mojo’d her” and Vicki’s all “well, everyone thinks she’s a cheating bitch, so there’s that” and then there’s some dialogue about whether Maya told Henry she’s a cheater that I can’t parse. You actually have to make the subtext make sense for that, and these are Blood Ties writers, so…

Vicki interviews Maya next, and again, it’s like 3 lines of dialogue that don’t add up to people being absolute cunts to each other. Maya admits to cheating, Vicki wants a list of her lovers, Maya balks, Vicki says she’ll be nicer than the cops about it. Smarmy No. 1 comes in to pay for his artwork and to sexually harass Vicki about “nailing her to his wall”. Gross, but what this show is best at: angrily spinning its wheels.

Vicki is convinced Maya is lying, for no clear reasons.

I mean, sure, why not?

Coreen says she should ask Tyrone, because of the coincidence of the symbol, and because everyone Henry’s involved with seem involved in black magic.

Maya fucks Smarmy No. 1, and if I didn’t know it was Tyrone’s weird painting, I might assume he was our killer. This is an awfully big part for this show. Maya kicks him out just after the deed, though, and expects him never to speak of it. He wants a relationship, but accedes to her wishes.

Tyrone and Vicki are calling Maya Enid now, for some reason? Did the editor lose track of the two lines of dialogue that explain the double name to us? Must be a bitch of a job, editing everything into less-than-five-minute scenes where absolutely nothing happens. I’d get confused, too. Tyrone says he knew Enid better than he knows Maya, but he knows Maya was cheating. Vicki wants to look at his work-in-progress, but he refuses, and then asks if Coreen would want to go to a Warhol show, and Vicki tells him to call the office. She leaves – after asking ONE question she already knew the answer to – and Tyrone reveals the WIP: a blank canvas. Huh.

We are just about halfway through, and I have no idea what’s going on, except that Maya is a cheater. Yeah, yeah, dead Brian, haunted painting, but, like… the entire investigation to this point has come up with the clue that sluts are bad. I just… I wish they wouldn’t give me any good episodes at this point, you know? It would be easier than this week on/week off nonsense that I’ve been getting. Sigh. Let’s continue.

Smarmy No. 1, whose actual name is Angus, goes back to the gallery, yet again, to actually pick up his painting. But wouldn’t you know it, ol’ Legs Mahoney is wandering out of his frame again. To steal a bit from the lovely YouTuber Pushing Up Roses, “Well, this guy is dead.”

Angus is also found in a chair, upright, on a corner. Oh, wait, Mike says it’s a parking lot, ok. They notice the lipstick on him – sluts bad! – and head off to the morgue.

Vicki and Coreen are looking up the symbol on Tyrone’s painting and Maya’s tattoo. Protection from demons. Coreen runs off to her date with Tyrone.

Like, y’all, I am not shortening these scenes at all, this is all that’s happening. It’s like a music video didn’t take its Adderall. Like, I am partly ADHD and this is killing me. Killing me! Just stick with one thing for five full minutes, I am begging!

for you to be decent at your jobs

Mike stops by the office to tell Vicki about Angus. Same deal: lungs full of paint, the chair, yadda yadda. Assistant saw him heading to the gallery to finalize a deal – and Mike makes a weird little gesture with his fist, like fist bumping the air? to indicate the deal was fuckin a slut. Hey, you guys, did you know sluts are bad?

Vicki says she knows, she was there, but… she wasn’t? The show seems very clear, that Angus left Maya in broad daylight, and even though Mike says time of death was in the afternoon, it was obviously nighttime when Angus was in the gallery getting killed? Vicki can’t be the 2nd-to-last person to see him alive if we’re to believe the way the show has laid out this timeline and I AM GOING TO RIP MY FUCKING HAIR OUT because you know we’re just supposed to go along with Mike’s timeline and completely ignore what we just fucking watched with our own eyes.

I didn’t know a nearly 20-year-old television show could gaslight me, but here we are.

ANYWAY. Apparently what we’re to believe is that Angus told his assistant where he was going, went to the gallery, sexually harassed Vicki, fucked Maya, then went back into the main portion of the gallery and was murdered by Legs. Despite like a whole day passing between when we saw him with Maya, and when he turned up dead. That was all in one morning. Fine.

Mike has found that about 6 years ago, Maya – then known as Enid Wyman – stabbed her boyfriend with a palette knife and called it performance art. He suspects that the paint in the lungs is just her signature evolving – she just keeps making people into artistic statements. Not a bad theory, I just hate everything going on now. Mike wants to bring Maya in for questioning, but he asks Vicki to be on Henry watch, because Mike has to make a federal case out of everything Henry does, and Vicki just always goes along with it.

So Henry is hanging out at the gallery, Maya telling him stories about her mom, for whatever reason. She makes a move on him, but he says no, then has to mojo her so she won’t think of him that way anymore.


Mike and Vicki show up to take Maya in for questioning. Mike says she can go with them, or he’ll get a warrant, and I don’t purport to be an expert on Canadian justice, but a warrant? for questioning? Sure, Jan.

Henry gets mad about it and puts his hands on Mike, because we absolutely cannot have a scene where these two get along. Vicki wrangles, Maya goes downtown, Henry insists she’s innocent.

Coreen and Tyrone are having some pizza or something at Tyrone’s place. He tells her about his muse, an artist named Franklin who no one’s ever heard of, who said that one must sacrifice everything for art, anything other than art is a distraction. So money on the table: Franklin is Legs, killing people who aren’t arty enough. My other theory is that it’s the weird monster thing that Maya keeps putting in paintings, but that makes less sense to me, since it’s Tyrone’s painting that holds Legs in the first place. But with this show, who knows?!

Ohhhhhh, I see. Henry is the toothy guy in Maya’s paintings, because he knew her mom, but her mom couldn’t handle the fangs. So, not the killer. Also why Henry’s so sure she’s not guilty: he knew her when she was little, loved her like a daughter. He’s just being paternal – which he could have let Vicki know at any time. Be for fuckin real, Henry. Open your mouth and TELL PEOPLE THINGS. Made Up Drama, I’m telling you, it’s all stupid MUD instead of an actual plot.

They do some research on the crime scene – well, where the bodies were dumped. Turns out, the parking lot is owned by Edward Franklin – Tyrone’s muse.

Franklin was a weirdo, left behind only a manifesto and a blank canvas, hanged himself. Coreen and Vicki put together that it’s probably a weird killer, possibly connected to Franklin. They go to Tyrone’s place and Coreen distracts while Vicki looks under the tarp, but it’s an actual painting – because Tyrone has moved Franklin’s blank canvas off the easel. But Franklin has plenty to say about how Tyrone shouldn’t have trusted Coreen, and I am so annoyed we had to spend all that time learning sluts are bad instead of getting to see Tyrone interact with his weird ass “muse” of a demon painter! This would have been so much better!

Tyrone says he is willing to sacrifice everything, and starts painting over Franklin’s canvas, ending up with a portrait of Franklin in a noose. The painting moves.

We are in the last 10 minutes. Henry and Vicki lie to Coreen and go to Tyrone’s to slash all his canvases – but oh no, Tyrone has already left to give the haunted one to Coreen! They call, but Tyrone hangs up the phone and Franklin comes out of the painting. Henry and Vicki come back just in the nick of time, to destroy the canvas and therefore Franklin – but not before he sucks Tyrone into the demon realm or whatever with him.

They burn the painting in a montage of everyone from the episode under “epic” music, and finally, another horrible episode in in the books.

SGRoA: Blood Ties S1 E16: Bugged

SGRoA post 104 of 122

Happy Halloween, Snowflakes! I hope you all have as spooky a weekend as you’d like, and get or give as much candy as you want, and that everyone thinks your costume is the coolest. Let’s get spookily started!

We open on two goths leaving a club. One of them isn’t feeling well; he “shouldn’t have had that last hit, I told you,” says the other. “You’re doing too much.” Sick Goth says he’s not doing enough, and refuses to get on the last bus home. Well Goth leaves him, and he drinks blue liquid from a little vial, calling it “sweet poison”. He proceeds to fall down dead, and bugs swarm him.

get swarmed!

Club owner shows up at Vicki’s office, of course, and the look on Vicki’s face perfectly encapsulates how I would look at this woman, too, which makes me rethink all my life choices. Girl is gothed to within an inch of her life, and has come to request Vicki’s help because “the Reaper’s influence has fallen over my sanctum.” Like, look, I understand committing to the bit, I just… don’t go that hard, I guess?

Oh, of course, she’s friends with Coreen. Lexia (who sounds like an electronic home assistant more than mistress of the dark) wants Vicki to investigate the death from the open, a kid named Dante. Lexia apparently has enough issues with the city already, but, like, won’t the city be investigating? Is his death natural? Ruled an accident already? Why are you immediately asking Vicki to do a maybe-homicide before cops have even been there? Or have they been?

Look, y’all, I know it seems super nitpicky, and that the following scenes are going to answer at least a couple of these questions, I hope. But these are not questions that make people continue watching (or reading) some piece of fiction. These are questions that just make your audience disgruntled because they make you look amateurish. Leaving all these common-sense issues just hanging over the narrative might seem like they’ll get people invested, but they’re cheap mysteries that someone in the narrative should have already asked or answered. Most people watching know how a procedural works, and not answering why the cops haven’t yet been involved just makes it look like the writers don’t know how a procedural works, and therefore like they have no idea how to write at all. Just a tip to keep in mind in your own projects, should you have any.

Someone has left Henry a present: a dead girl on his doorstep. That’s it, that’s the scene. Dead blonde, scarf around her neck, no one in the hall. Okay.

Mohadevan has Dante’s body, though she calls him Gene? Because no one named their kids Dante back in the day?

sure, why not

Anyway, he looks way more decomposed than he should, and Vicki points out he’s been swarmed. Looks like he died of anaphylaxis, which no one thinks can happen from bug bites, and, like, okay, wtf. Why is everyone so fuckin dumb this episode? Vicki was so great last week, time looping like a champ, all that tight, informative dialogue, and now this?

anaphylaxis from a bug?!?!?!

Feh! Yeah, I said it, FEH. Double feh! Get the fehck outta here with this, honestly. No one wanted the scab writers back from the beginning of the season, why are you torturing us like this, Blood Ties? I want to like you so bad!

Henry’s dead girl has her throat slashed, but, like, by claws, not a razor. Vicki asks him along to the club, but he says he’s busy without mentioning the dead girl.

Vicki and Coreen head to the club, and Coreen’s hair has grown three sizes. They’re using more wigs in this episode than Marina Sirtis has worn in all of Star Trek history, it’s honestly an accomplishment.

just… an ungodly amount of hair

And this club scene tells us almost nothing. They serve only wine and absinthe, because that’s all Lexia drinks. Well Goth from the opener has some survivor’s guilt for not putting Gene/Dante on the bus. He’ll ask Gene’s mom if he had any allergies. And yes, the bartender says, there are drugs in the club. It’s a club, duh.

No answer yet on whether the police have any sort of anything going on in relation to this death, btw. All those questions I had a few paragraphs ago are still up in the air.

Me, watching right now.

Henry goes to Mike for help. With a lot of preamble, he tells Mike everything he needs to know: Another vampire in town is leaving dead bodies for Henry to find, because he wants Henry’s territory.

… yeah, you were thinking it too

There’s another scene at the club where Vicki and Coreen talk about investigative technique and it’s dumb and boring, and Coreen’s fake hair is wildly distracting. Doesn’t advance anything, not even Coreen’s investigative skills, don’t know why we’re here.

Henry officially reports his dead girl so she ends up in Mohadevan’s office. She asks Mike if he doesn’t want to wait for her official report; he tells her they both know this won’t be in the official report, because it’s a vamp. He also tells her that Vicki is “just so busy”; let’s leave her out of this one. Mohadevan agrees, just as Vicki comes in looking for Gene’s tox screen. Mike hustles her out before she can see the vamped body.

Oh, good, the next scene is nonsense, just what I wanted.

captain kathryn janeway, rolling her eyes

Vicki heads to Henry’s to ask him what’s going on, because both he and Mike are acting weird af. Henry, instead of telling her, I don’t know, fucking any-damn-thing, fuckin, “We’re planning a surprise party for Mike’s cousin’s kids’ best friend”, just tells her that they shouldn’t see each other for a while, and he has to get stuff to his editor, so there’s the door! You know, neurotypical “let’s force drama by having everyone act like they’ve never heard of acting human before”. There’s no good reason for Henry to keep this from her, and it’s fuckin dumb.


Coreen is still wearing the hair when Vicki gets the background check results for Lexia: no priors, no real trouble of any kind. She also got the tox results for Gene/Dante: unknown substance in the blood. Vicki thinks regular old drugs, but Coreen insists it’s paranormal, that there can’t possibly be drugs at a nightclub.

Marcia from the Brady Bunch saying "Sure, Jan"

At the club, bartender is talking to Well Goth, says she’s sorry about Dante. “Gene,” he corrects her. She confirms that he hasn’t “said anything” to the people asking questions, then gives him a vial, which he refuses. They argue briefly about whether the drugs killed Dante, and then she leaves – and leaves the vial with him.

Coreen and Vicki come back to the club to ask Lexia if she’s selling drugs like another 4 times. She just keeps saying no, and no one is bright enough to ask if literally anyone else could be selling in the club, and then she walks away.

Well Goth has taken the vial, is super high, stumbles out the door to the dumpster, et voila, bug snack.

Lexia goes off on Coreen for being, like, a traitor to all of gothdom, or some shit, jesus. This is the wrong thing to be mad about! People keep getting eaten by bugs outside your club! DO YOU WANT TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM?! (Of course not, that wouldn’t be ~*dramatic*~ enough for these shit ass writers.)

Someone finds Well Goth and everyone runs outside; Vicki calls an ambulance. He’s still alive, luckily, and Coreen grabs one of the bugs for study. But don’t get too excited: this show knows how to waste momentum like nothing I’ve ever seen, so we’re off to Henry and Mike making decisions about what’s best for Vicki – a grown ass woman who can make her own decisions, last I checked.

a "keep calm" poster, but it says "fuck this guy"
these guys, I guess, sentiment stands!

OMG, it’s a fuckin vampire history lesson. I DON’T CARE, HENRY. I might have cared, if this came at almost any other point in this episode, or if you were TALKING TO VICKI, but no, just ridiculousness from Henry and Mike grandstanding about how the victim of the other vamp was a person. Anyway, they decide not to tell Vicki she might be in mortal danger just for hanging with Henry!

Vicki comes up with the idea that whatever the substance is from the club, it might be attractive to bugs, like a pheromone. She goes to Mohadevan to run it by her, and Mohadevan says she’d need a pure sample to test for that. Vicki also asks about the Jane Doe she and Mike were working on, so Mohadevan gives her the name, and tells her that she’s not supposed to tell her it has something to do with Henry.

Mohadevan for the win!

Mike and Henry get a lead on a photographer that might lead them to the vamp, or be the other vamp, and Henry gives Mike a short sword so he can behead the other vamp if needs be. They check his studio out, find not much, then Vicki shows up. They try not to tell her anything. Still. They insist they’re just teaming up on a case, not that Vicki is in mortal danger.

We are in the final 10 minutes. Who are we looking for? What happened to these kids? Were the police ever called? Is it a drug? Where is the bartender getting it?

Coreen gets wired up to go back to the club and perhaps get some answers. I think this is all supposed to happen in one night, because the hair is still ominously perching on Coreen’s head. And then Vicki says she’ll meet Coreen back at the office at midnight? IT ISN’T EVEN MIDNIGHT?!

Vicki goes back to Henry’s for more made up drama, as we called it on The Knot message boards back in the day. After she leaves, Henry figures out that the other vamp is his dame, Christina.

Okay, so, bartender is some sort of creature that can inject people with the drug, so she does that to Coreen, then tells her that it’s open season on Vicki, and she wanted to be the one to kill her. Some sort of bug demon, there’s an unsatisfying fight, no real answers, and then Henry runs her over with a van. I’m not joking. He squashes her like a bug.

There’s some more drama about Henry and Christina and Mike and Vicki, but this episode exhausted all my goodwill. Upshot: Henry wants to handle it on his own, and thereby set up a multi-episode arc. Great, sure, whatever, can we roll credits now?!


SGRoA: Moonlight, S1 E4: Fever

SGRoA post 76 of 122

Welcome back, Snowflakes! I actually remember this episode a little, so I’m looking forward to this one. As I recall, it is very silly, and of course includes the must-have trope for all vampire television ever: The Vampire Drinks From The Human and there are CONSEQUENCES. Let’s get started!

We open on a tight closeup of Mick’s face, eyes yellow, head all sweaty. The camera is doing this weird pulsating thing that makes it difficult to watch if your eyes or brain are weird (I have both!), and we get Mick’s signature useless voiceover about drinking blood: “What if the one thing you needed to survive is the one thing that would make life unbearable?”

“I’d do it so much better.” We know, Meredith. We know.

Obviously, he bites Beth, and then we’re going to work back to this moment, I assume. Though somehow next thing Beth is gone and there’s just Mick, in a bathtub full of water and plastic ice cubes (like, super-obviously plastic, no one was caring on set that day), doing the Record-Scratch, “I bet you’re wondering” trope. He bets we’re wondering how he found himself “near death in no-star motel hell”. I mean, I read the summary on the DVD box, so I’m not really, but I know that’s how the meme has to go, so continue.

Continue reading

RiTS: Forever Knight, Intimations of Mortality, Chapter 5

RitS post 22 of 22

Nice to see you on this chilly May morning, Snowflakes. I would LOVE to be writing about the writing in Infinity War, but I have a not-so-sneaky suspicion that I will be in the minority opinion here. But if you saw it, tell me what you thought over on FB or Twitter.

So, Chapter 5. Nick’s a vampire again, and he heads over to the Raven looking for Vachon. Vachon isn’t there, of course, because we need some exposition. The blood in the vampires’ glasses smells cloying. Urs likes to flirt with Nick. Vachon is Urs’s sire. Urs is only around 100. Nick thinks the world is boring. Continue reading

RiTS: Dracula, The Un-Dead, Chapter 3

RitS post 17 of 22

Guuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyys. I’m warning you, this book may be a DNF – Did Not Finish. I wasn’t looking forward to this recap at all, and if you’re super-invested, I just want you to know, it might not happen. I might just go back to Nick and the gang. They don’t leave me feeling exploited.

BUT. I will stick it out as long as I can. Continue reading

RiTS: Dracula, The Un-Dead, Chapter 2

RitS post 16 of 22

Ugh, you guys, this book. This fucking book.

But I said I’d do it, and I’m going to do it. For you. Because I love you. And because I want you to feel my pain.

So we open right where we left off, with Seward staring at Bathory. He’s all “entranced” by her beauty, which includes her eyes being Continue reading

RitS: Dracula, The Un-Dead, Prologue and Chapter One

RitS post 15 of 22

All right, Snowflakes. I needed a little break from Nick and the gang; blogging about them twice a week was wearing on me. Variety, after all, is the spice of life, and this site was getting a little bland, don’t you think?

Anyway, we’ll be looking at Dracula, The Un-Dead by Dacre Stoker – and yes, he’s related to Bram – and Ian Holt. I saw this book described as “the worst book ever” on a comment thread over at Trout Nation, and I had to buy it. But because I am also the worst ever, I knew I would make you share my pain. 🙂 Same rules apply to this recap: I’ll be analyzing the writing as well as summarizing the story, so hopefully we can all learn something. Continue reading