SGRoA: Vampire Diaries, S1 E11: Bloodlines

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I was sick last week, Snowflakes, but luckily, it was just a quick cold, nothing serious. Trouble is, I have a lemon of a body, so I was horizontal for almost a full week. Good thing I can do recaps from my bed! Let’s get started.

We pick up where we left off: Elena watching (presumably) a vampire crawling at her, stuck in the upside-down car. That vamp runs away once he sees her face, and then Damon shows up to get her out of the car. She babbles about Catherine and then faints, so of course Damon moves her some more, and carries her from the accident.

Alaric is… writing a journal? thinking out loud with his mouth closed? it’s unclear, but his voiceover is about killing Logan and how he knew there was “evil” in Mystic Falls. He looks at a framed pic and has a flashback to… Amanda Grayson from the NuTrek shows?!?! Who also was in Dracula: The Series?!

such a good autistic mother

The backstory is that vamps killed her, almost certainly, but we transition back to the present after point-three seconds and two lines of dialogue about sleeping in, so, you know. Just Vampire Diaries things!

Elena wakes up in Damon’s 70s Chevelle, and also in the state of Georgia. You know, Elena, who just got in a rollover accident and has a head injury that made her unconscious for several hours? She should definitely be on a road trip, good call, Damon!

Anyway, she makes him stop the car and refuses to talk to Stefan when he calls. Oh, and she took off her vervain necklace, so Damon points out he could mojo her, but he refrains. Stefan, after Damon hangs up, throws some shit around the room and will almost surely go do something stupid instead of waiting to talk to Elena, because this is television, and no one ever waits. (I am told that people do that irl, too – like, they have a feeling and immediately think they must act on it – but I refuse to believe real people are that dumb. Probably to my detriment, but that’s ok, I can live with it.)

Damon’s taking her to “a little place right outside of Atlanta”, and I’m guessing it’s Catherine’s estate or plantation or whatever, but let’s drag it out for half the episode, I guess. Elena agrees to stop arguing if Damon agrees not to mojo her. Which he does. Epic restraint, Damon, I’d put her back to sleep immediately.

Jeremy comes upon Alaric digging through his own car, but Alaric has some story? about losing his ring at the gym? and digging around in the car for it. And then he finds it? and mentions it’s a family heirloom. What is this for? This show has the worst, clunkiest foreshadowing I’ve ever seen, my god. And I bet the ring won’t even matter, or if it does, it’ll be in five episodes after we’ve forgotten the stupid thing even exists.

Jeremy then tells Alaric that he’s going to write about his own family during the Civil War, and we’re on to Bonnie and Stefan. He asks Bonn for a spell to find Elena, to make sure she’s okay. Bonnie demurs at first, but then does the “spell”, which is just her holding Elena’s necklace. Nothing happens; Bonnie thinks she’s broken.

Damon doesn’t know who the vamp in the road was, but he does confirm it was a vamp. Elena seems surprised he doesn’t know who it is, but he says they’re not all hanging at the vampire bar and grill together, they can’t possibly all know each other. He brings Elena to Bree’s Bar, where they meet his old friend, GINA MOTHERFUCKING TORRES.

She kisses him with full tongue, and introduces him to the bar as: “the man who broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life, and ruined any and all chance of happiness.” As she pours them all shots.

They met in college, and she’s a witch. Like, obviously, she’s Gina Torres. Honestly, I’m shocked it’s not a plantation.

Jeremy meets a cute girl in the library: Anna.

Bonn goes to Grams for help, and Grams says it’s a mental block. Bonnie has to deal with her fear – presumably about vampires – before her power will come back.

Damon wants Gina to get him into the raveyard tomb, but it’s a no-go. She can’t override Emily’s spell, and she definitely can’t do anything if Damon doesn’t have the jewel, so.

Bonnie goes to the church ruins and falls into a hole in the ground.

Elena finally talks to Stefan, just long enough to be like, “you lied! I don’t wanna talk!”

Bree calls someone to tell them Damon’s in town.

Bonnie has some scrapes and bruises, and freaks out because there’s a carved pentacle on the wall of the basement or whatever she fell into.

Stefan goes to see Grams, looking for Bonnie, and Grams says she doesn’t know where Bonn is, but Stefan does. Stefan knows what Bonnie’s afraid of, what she is, and what Grams is. Stefan also offered his hand, as a gesture of trust, because Grams will know what he is the instant she touches him, if she didn’t already. Grams tells him to go find Bonnie.

Anna asks Jeremy what his paper is on. “How hysteria about the war influenced certain writers.” She tells him to “focus that”, which is not a sentence that makes sense in English, but okay. He says, “the origins of local folklore and myths.” Oh, says Anna, you mean the vampires.

Back to the bar in Georgia! Thank god I don’t have to move every time we switch scenes, I’d be exhausted. It’s like that clip of Liam Neeson jumping over a fence.

Back in the bar, Elena and Damon are discussing lore. Vamps don’t procreate, so no, Elena is probably not related to Catherine. And Damon can eat and drink for fun, as long as he has enough blood.

Jeremy insists there are no vampires, just an allegory for Union soldiers. Anna calls him smart. She says she has to go, then mentions a journal her grandfather showed her, full of creepy stories. Jeremy perks up at the journal mention, and asks if she has to go. I’m interested, too, so obviously…

We’re in the basement with Bonnie, who seems as downtrodden as if she’d been in there for a week, not, like, ten minutes. I know soaps are about heightened emotions, but come on. Somebody ove up and just deal with your shit instead of being mopey or incandescent with rage or ebullient with joy. Sometimes, you just have to get out of the basement, Bonnie, and wailing about it just makes you unlikeable.

So she stands around with her hand on the pentacle, listening to “voices”, freaking herself out.

Stefan shows up and scares the crap out of her, but they get out of the hole. And of course it’s night! Because this show absolutely refuses to understand how time works!

ah, if only

Someone with an extremely square jaw shows up at Bree’s. She tilts her head at him towards Damon.

Amna suggests a vampire movie night over foosball, but Jeremy says it’s just too soon, he just got out of something, like he’s fuckin 40 and twice-divorced or some shit.

Elena steps out to take a call from Jenna asking where she is – which she also did like 5 scenes ago? – and someone grabs her. Damon finds her dropped phone and somehow follows her to a power station, where Square Jaw attacks him for killing “his girlfriend”: Lexie the Bestie. Elena tries to talk him down by talking about Lexie, like they knew each other so well? Elena says Lexie would want Square Jaw to be better than Damon by not killing him? and he listens to her? So Damon is fine, continuing the long tradition of absolutely zero consequences.

Y’all, we’re in the last 10 minutes of this episode and nothing has happened. How did we go all the way to Georgia for nothing to happen?!

Bonnie returns to Grams, who met Stefan at a protest in 1969. They reminisce for a minute and talk about being creatures in a town where “no one knows”, despite literally everyone seemingly knowing.

Damon gets threatening after Bree called Square Jaw, and she tries to save herself by telling him if he gets Emily’s grimoire, he might be able to reverse the spell on the raveyard. He takes her heart as thanks. We could have had all this happen in ONE SCENE, and not have had to think about head-injured Elena drinking in a bar for, like, 5 hours straight.

Elena and Damon have a moment in the car on the way home, and it’s cute! This show is infuriating, because I can see what it could be, and it simply insists on never being that, in always making a shitty choice. Case in point: Elena finally talks to Stefan, and it’s dumb and boring and like, are they breaking up again? or not? The big revelation this time is that Stefan saw Elena and her parents in the car accident, and he pulled Elena out of the submerging car. That was the first time he saw her, and he thought she was Catherine, but he stalked her till he was convinced she wasn’t.

Also, he found out she’s adopted.

Anna has tracked down and printed out every news article about animal attacks in Mystic Falls. She gives them to Jeremy to prove her point about vampires.

Jenna knew Elena was adopted, but didn’t tell her because her dead parents asked Jenna not to? They’re dead! WTF, Jenna?

Oh, and Alaric’s wife was killed by Damon. Told ya.

Holy cannolis, y’all. This was a slog. Let’s look forward to next week, when they might hire a couple good writers again!

SGRoA: Vampire Diaries, S1 E8: Candles

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Can you imagine if the entire episode was a fight about scented candles? It would be GLORIOUS. Alas, we have to go back to a Vicki-less Mystic Falls and hope Damon and/or Caroline are up to something entertaining. Let’s go!

We open on the Salvatore home and Stefan waking from a nap or something. He doesn’t feel alone in the house, strange noises, open windows, etc. A female vamp attacks him, but it turns out it’s his bestie, in town for his birthday! Aw, that’s sweet. Mine don’t celebrate shit unless it’s in The Big Book of Empire Rules, or whatever-the-fuck Mircalla calls it.

Turns out Damon and Stefan are the only ones who have the magic rings to deal with sunlight, so that’s an interesting tidbit that will, like all of the mantelpiece guns in this show, surely come to nothing. But it means Bestie has to stay at the house all day, so.

Jeremy is reporting to Sheriff that Vicki went away and is fine, so they can call off the search. Sheriff goes through all of these people to poke a hole in the story, to see if it’s true, blah blah, and of course, all the stories line up because they already made them. Sheriff doesn’t like it, and Matt’s pretty pissed at Stefan, but the real kernel of this scene is Elena breaking up with Stefan.


Damon finds Lexi the bestie trying to nap, and she doesn’t seem to like him much. She accuses him of being “only the bad parts” of a vampire, and I think she meant “only the FUN parts”, because frankly, Damon is the only interesting one on this show.

Bonnie is leaving Grandma’s, because her dad doesn’t want her spending so much time around the “witchy nonsense”. Grandma re-emphasizes that Bonnie needs to be wearing the jewel, not just carrying it. Bonnie wants to give it back to Caroline, but Grandma says no: it’s Bonnie’s, it was their ancestor’s, it was never for Caroline. Bonnie wishes it were prettier.

Jenna and Elena are wallowing in their boy sorrows, because Jenna thinks she got ghosted, not that Logan fuckin died.

patrick stewart making a "yikes" face
yikes on bikes

Jeremy, meanwhile, asks them to keep it down because he can’t focus on his homework, and he’s so behind. No one needs therapy when there’s vampire mojo!

Damon delivers vervain to Sheriff, and she makes sure to tell him it’ll be enough, because it’s a small circle. She also confesses that they may have to consider that the vampire is walking around in daylight, and they’ll look into anyone new in town. Damon offers his help, of course!

Bonnie shows up at Elena’s and asks why Elena hasn’t returned her calls. Is she going to stay in bed forever? Yup, says Elena, so Bonnie curls up next to her to have girl talk, after which Bonnie does some levitation magic to get Elena’s mind off Stefan.

Caroline runs into Damon and starts telling him off before he mojos her and tells her to throw a huge party at The Grill to help Damon solve the “vampire problem”. Oh, and he wants his crystal back. Good luck.

Bestie Lexi tells Stefan to fuck Elena and she’ll be his forever, because vamp sex is that good. I mean, I guess? I’m asexual, though, so like, no sex is ever going to be worth forever on its own. Like, you couldn’t eat a meal of only seasonings: you can’t have a relationship of only sex that lasts “forever”. He waxes philosophical about Elena choosing him and choosing forever.

Elena is 17, btw. Choosing forever.

Lexi offers Stefan blood from a bag, but he says he can’t have human, at all. Another blood-as-hard-drug metaphor. Yawn.

Damon comes in and invites them to Caroline’s party, and Stefan obviously doesn’t want to go, but Lexi does, and the plot needs it, so.

Elena shows up at Stefan’s just as Lexi is in a towel and Stefan is in the shower, and of course Elena jumps to a conclusion, but the salient bit of this is that Lexi now understands that Elena is a Catherine stand-in, and demands Stefan explain himself.

Gonna call it: I like Lexi. Think she’s gonna die within a few episodes? because I do.

Stefan says that Elena’s nothing like Catherine, so Lexi says “so not a heinous bitch, then?” But, like…. ehhhhhhhh. I wouldn’t call Elena not a bitch. She’s just a different bitch.

Lexi goes to the party, but Stefan goes to talk to Elena, even though they’re broken up? Ughghhhgghhhhhhh, I hate neurotypical relationship drama, it’s so boooriiiiiiiiing. Be together, be apart, I don’t care, just stop having dumb fucking conversations where nothing gets said!

Caroline corners Bonnie and asks for the jewel back, but Bonnie says no. Caroline says it makes her look fat (I do not have an eyeroll big enough for this, omfg) and then tries to rip it from Bonnie’s neck! Bonnie asks what the hell is wrong with Caro and walks away. Good job, Bonnie.

Stefan offers Matt support about Vicki.

Damon demands the jewel from Caroline, who says it shocked her. Damon doesn’t know why it does that, and also calls Caro stupid and useless and then goes outside, presumably for some air, but also because dumb teens make out in semi-public dark places where it’s easy to eat them.

Lexi’s hair extensions are hideous. I can’t believe she’s 350 and walking around like that. Girl. Do you not have enough money for a decent stylist? Then maybe don’t get extensions.

A lot of little nonsense scenes: Elena and Damon fight about Stefan. Bonnie tells Caroline not to let Damon treat her badly. Two, three lines tops. Half a minute at most. Bad editing, bad writing, bad pacing. Sheriff’s deputy finds the dead couple. Lexi mojos free drinks and gives one to Elena, who complains that Stefan can’t cut loose or be himself around her. Because they’ve been dating so long, right? This relationship should already be in years-long secure territory? It’s been like 2 months!

Mugatu yelling "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"

Also, apparently alcohol dulls blood cravings, so there are a lot of alcoholic vampires. Seems like maybe organizing a series of willing blood donors and preserving/bottling the blood would be ideal, if no one wants to sip and no one wants to kill unless they’re evil? Is this show some weird metaphor for how people in Hollywood seem to feel about food? Whose dissertation on this can I read?

Caro complains to Matt about her bad night. He’s kind, he listens, he tells her her strengths. Aw. Matt’s a nice guy. He doesn’t deserve this show. They run into Sheriff outside, but she lets Matt take Caro home, though no one else is allowed to leave the Grill, given the teen murder and all.

Sheriff takes the un-murdered girl into the Grill, asks her to point out the killer. She points to Damon, who’s talking to Lexi, and Sheriff poisons Lexi’s drink and hauls her out, thanking Damon for the vervain on the way. Lexi vamps out, gets shot, keeps going for the Sheriff, but Damon stakes her?! Stefan and Elena watch from a hidden point, and Stefan says it’s part of the plan? What plan? Damon’s plan? To make you miserable??

Really cannot stress enough how often this kind of sloppy nonsense kills a narrative for me. You have to explain things! You have to set them up so that they make sense when they happen! Shit that comes out of nowhere for no reason isn’t a “surprise” or a “reveal”, it’s a mistake that takes people out of the story.

We get zero explanation yet, either. Sheriff thanks Damon and then we’re watching Matt tuck Caro into bed. Don’t have any idea where Stefan and Elena even are.

Okay, wait, I’m rewinding, because then Stefan is saying he has to kill Damon? Gimme a minute, I’ll be right back.

IT’S PART OF DAMON’S PLAN. They pan from him to Stefan so fast I thought Stefan said it, so this is bad editing. ANYWAY.

Stefan wants to kill Damon immediately, but Elena stops him to save him from himself. Or so she says; I actually think Stefan’s right for once, and should actually take the energy from watching Lexi die and use it to some purpose. But no, we all know we’re just going to talk with Elena some more. There’s a reason I call this show Pretty People Talking (derogatory).

He does give it a try, though! Good for you, Stefan! He ends up only staking him in the stomach, though, because Damon spared him, so now they’re even. And then he just leaves the house. Good job, Stefan. That’ll absolutely change Damon’s behavior.

text in black on a white background that reads "It may be stupid but it's also dumb"

Bonnie has an actual vision of running through the woods, ending up at everyone’s favorite murder mausoleum, hearing a Corvid, and saying “It’s coming”.

And that’s where this disappointing episode ends.

SGRoA: Vampire Diaries, S1 E3: Friday Night Bites

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Cute title, I love it. The still on Peacock has little James T. in a football jersey, adorable. Also, Scaredy Cats on YouTube is doing a Forever Knight marathon, one episode a day, so if you want EVEN MORE RECAPS, you should absolutely check Mildred out, they’re amazing.

Apparently it’s going to be super cold here this weekend, maybe a little snow, and I am psyched! All my neighbors stay in the house and shut the fuck up when it’s cold, which keeps my little bass-hating heart (and ears) happy. So let’s celebrate with another 42 minutes of absolutely nothing happening!

We open with “Previously on….” and, like, I don’t want to shit on people who like this show, but really? Even at one episode a week, there’s not enough going on here for you to need a reminder, is there? I assume that as the show goes on, it’ll be more like Buffy or X Files, in that the “previously” will have scenes from several seasons, and will tell you not so much what already happened, as it tells you what recurring themes and/or characters are going to show up. But for this one, it’s just fog and Catherine and Caro getting bit.

We begin with Caroline, waking up and seeing a truly gross wound on her neck. Do these guys bite with all their teeth? Weird. And ew. And Damon, start cleaning up after yourself.

So she freaks out, Damon wakes up, and she starts throwing things at him. But she’s dressed in a nightie? So at some point after the sex, she got up, presumably used the bathroom, put on a nightie, put away her other clothes, and never looked at her neck? And Damon couldn’t be bothered to heal her. And then he vamps out, I assume attacking her again, but we get the opening screen before it resolves.

seriously, tho. also, now I have to join the subreddit, sigh

Bonnie and Elena show up to school still discussing dating. Bonnie now thinks Elena should play the field, and not settle on Stefan, since she had a non-visual vision about him. But Elena says Stefan is a big part of her world starting to feel normal again. It’s been anywhere between three days of school and, I dunno, three months? Either way, no, Elena. No.

Vicki got tix to see The Posers when they play The Rat. Jeremy tells her to have fun with Tyler. She wants him to go, and she’s not worried that anyone will know she fucked him, because she’s with Tyler, officially, I guess? But Jeremy gets butthurt that she was just fucking him for drugs, which she doesn’t deny, but she does wish he’d drop it.

Stefan tells Elena that Bonnie doesn’t like him much, and Elena says that’s because “she doesn’t know you”. Uh-huh. Because you do, I suppose. Some friend of Matt’s watches Elena and Stefan and tries to get Matt riled up? Oh, it’s Tyler talking, I had no idea he looked so much like Eric Balfour, I haven’t been paying that much visual attention.

Tyler throws the football at Stefan, who throws it back like a vampire, so then he and Elena have to discuss his football career as they enter the school. She says he should join the team, he says he shouldn’t. I, very shockingly, cannot care.

They keep talking about it in history, where literally no one knows when WW2 ended or when the US joined it, and also the teacher calls on someone the captions say is “Miss Juan” but who, given her being Asian, is probably a Miss Wan or Won. I love extra jokes in the captions, delightful.

And then the history teacher gets into, like, a date fight with Stefan? Who knows a bunch of dates that no one could possibly know from a basic education up till this point!

Wait, no, I’m sorry, it’s a bunch of dates that most people should know? Civil Rights Act, 1964. JFK assassination, 1963. Roe v. Wade, 1973. Lincoln’s assassination, 1865. Korean War, which finally trips Stefan up, supposedly, but no, he’s right, teacher is wrong, and now he’s got it in for Stefan. Who tells Elena he knows all that because he’s a loner who reads. Because she asked. Because my god, how could anyone KNOW all those FACTS!

Mugatu yelling "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"
y’all, I’m not that smart, and not a history buff

Stefan changes his mind and tries to go out for football, but History is the coach, and he doesn’t want to let Stefan try out, but he relents, just to see Stefan get his ass kicked. He won’t, obviously, why bother setting this shit up.

Elena goes to… cheer practice? maybe? who knows. But Caroline, who wasn’t in class and has been ignoring Bonnie’s 100 texts, shows up to practice in Damon’s powder blue convertible. Vampire? Maybe, but it’s daytime, and I didn’t see 🪄 magic ring 🪄, so.

Oh, we’re back from commercial, and just… still at practice. Elena walks away from cheer because Caroline puts her in the back and is driving them too hard, maybe? Unclear. Stefan aces his tryout, even though Tyler doesn’t like him, either.

Back at home, Damon is reading Stefan’s diary, doing his best Lacroix impersonation, but falling extremely short. He says he wants to make up with Stefan, but then laughs about it, so I guess it was a joke? I really cannot stress enough how opaque everyone’s actions are, and how absolutely none of the dialogue or facial expressions help with any of it. It’s just mashing Barbies together. “Oh, this will be such a cool line”, and then none of the work to settle it nicely in its environment. It’s the bad, fast architecture of cities, only in television form.

every building looks like this, somehow.

Bonnie is still on her witch kick, this time obsessing over the numbers 8, 14, 22. Apparently we got the FBI raid of Mar-A-Lago on 8/14/22, so that’s nice, but probably not what it’s referencing, given this was 08. Lizzie Murphy became the first woman to play Major League baseball in 1922, but also, probably not what Bonnie’s obsession is about. Shame. Some League of their Own shit might liven the place up.

She and Elena and Stefan are all having dinner together, with takeout at Elena’s house, where her Aunt and brother are… not. Look, if you want a show where characters get to just do whatever, whenever, MAKE THEM ADULTS. I’ll overlook a ton if these are people in their 20s, but how do you just… disappear a family so we can have happy fun play adult time?

Anyway, Damon and Caro show up, uninvited, and Stefan tries to make Damon leave, but it’s… too rude, or something? I don’t know, Elena just lets them in, seemingly tired of Stefan and Damon fighting. After like 2 days of acquaintance. Sure, fine. This is absolutely how human beings behave.

ugh, thank god

Tyler grabs Vicki’s ass at the restaurant, and she tells him not while she’s working. Jeremy is watching sadly from a table with Matt, until he gets up and starts a fight with Tyler to impress Vicki, or something. Who knows. Once again: definitely how humans behave.

Damon helps Elena do the dishes, and she asks about Catherine, whose name is spelled with a C in today’s captions! Apparently they both dated her? But Damon won’t say much more, and they chat about cheerleading instead until Bonnie comes in. Leaving Stefan and Caroline alone, so Stefan can interrogate her about her scarf and why she can’t take it off – until Damon comes back in and mojos Caro to help Elena in the kitchen, so HE can be alone with Stefan, and Stefan can lecture him about using Caroline like a juice box and Damon can threaten to use Elena similarly, now that he’s gotten his invitation into her house.

Everyone goes home except Stefan, and while they’re making out in Elena’s room, he turns into Damon – because this is a nightmare (not just a strange dream). Oh, but Corvid on the windowsill! Damon’s affecting dreams? How? Why?

Next morning, Elena gets out of the shower with a full face of makeup on, so she does have some talent, let’s give credit where it’s due! She stares at herself in a mirror, and that’s the whole scene. I am not complaining that nothing happens hyperbolically. Nothing is literally happening in more than half these scenes.

At the pregame festivities, Stefan gives Elena a necklace that smells. Rose? she asks, and he says no, it’s “an herb”. That’s it. An herb. I assume we’ll find out what kind of herb – because this is clearly a protective amulet or somesuch, I know how fantasy works – we’ll find out when the writers think it finally matters, or can be a cliffhanger or bombshell or whatever, but again – THIS IS NOT HOW HUMANS BEHAVE.

Also at the festivities, History prof singles out Stefan as the great hope of the football team, who have apparently been losing for years. Tyler gets mad about Stefan starting even though he’s new and slips away from the… pep rally/bonfire/whatever the fuck they have going on. I went to almost every home football game in high school (everyone did, small town, had friends in band), and nothing even vaguely resembling this ever happened. Hence, “festivities”.

Me, watching right now.

Tyler runs into Vicki, and then sees Jeremy drinking over her shoulder, so he starts a fight, of course. Stefan breaks it up, Tyler tries to hit him and it doesn’t do much. Jeremy tries to stab Tyler with the broken bottle, but gets Stefan in the hand, but of course it heals immediately, confusing Elena who showed up conveniently to ask about Stefan’s cut. This is not how you drop breadcrumbs, but whatever, 10 minutes left.

Oh, remember at the big bonfire, how “cold” it was at night? Well, it’s football season in Virginia, and the cheerleaders are all wearing sleeveless uniforms and Elena is running around in a halter top. When is this? Nobody knows!!!!!!

Elena asks Bonnie about her Stefan vision. Bonnie says she felt death.

Damon surprises Elena at her car, saying he’s hiding from Caroline because she talks too much. You know what? Damon’s the only person who seems to talk like a human at any given moment, props for that, Damon. You’re awful, and not nearly as charming as you should be, but you are trying.

He tries to mojo Elena, but can’t, presumably because of the amulet. She slaps him and walks away.

Matt shakes hands with Stefan, trying again to be friendly, and wishes him “good luck tonight”, when it’s been night for seemingly hours of show time. They’re playing tonight, tonight?! God, I just want, like, some sort of counter or calendar or fucking SOMETHING. WHEN ARE WE.

Damon calls Stefan out on the verbena amulet, so we didn’t even save that reveal for a pivotal moment. Perfect. They have a little fight about Damon being a dick to Stefan about Catherine all these years (145, they say), and Stefan says something about Damon still having humanity, so Damon eats History Prof when he comes around the corner looking for Stefan.

This is also not how vampires behave, but whatever.

Matt and Tyler get into a spat in the locker room, so Matt walks out,only to immediately find History’s body. Ambulance called, game called off, I assume, and Bonnie realizes that History’s blood is spilled next to Caroline’s car? I have to assume, because she looks at the license plate and then the blood and then has some sort of reaction, a lot of heavy breathing and crying.

Elena and Stefan talk about the “animal attack”, and she mentions his not-cut hand again, but he brushes it away and then they hug.

Stefan decides there’s nothing human left in Damon, because a human being has never been a relentlessly evil asshole before. Ok. Sure. But it gets us to the point of the plot, which is that they fight each other. All the time. Over a woman who’s been dead for almost two centuries.

Till next time, kiddos – and keep an eye out, because I think I’m going to start doing 2 recaps a week! Double your misery, double no fun!

SGRoA: Vampire Diaries, S1 E2: Night of the Comet

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Ugh, that title makes me think of Archive 80? 88? on Netflix, which was weird and amazing and cancelled after 1 season because Netflix. There was a whole thing about Haley’s Comet, it was so cool. Anyway, let’s get started!

We start with a Metric song, one that’s on my vampire playlists, too. Little different when it’s about Josephine, imo. A couple is camping in the woods, waiting to see the comet. He goes outside, she hears rain, obviously it’s his blood dripping down on the tent. Hey, Damon, maybe you wouldn’t have to kill so many people if you didn’t waste food!

Dear diary: Elena can sense change, and Stefan is *awake*. They’re both very hopeful and pinning their good moods on the other, which in no way is a good idea, in case you wondered. I mean, I know I have a lot of emotional advantages because of the alexithymia – I will never have an emotion and immediately think I should act on it, for example – but anyone can separate their overall mood from another person, and you should. Regulate your own selves, my loves. It’s actually much easier that way.

Aunt Jenna is off to Jeremy’s parent-teacher conference, which again, feels like a thing the writers wanted to happen, not an actual parent-teacher conference. For one thing, it’s still August! It would be back-to-school night, if anything. Meetings first thing in the morning on the maybe? second? week of school are trouble, Jenna. No wonder you’re asking Elena if you look adult enough.

Jeremy left early to visit Vicki in the hospital, but she’s asleep and it’s not visiting hours, so he’s led away by a very nice nurse, so you know she’s probably not in the profession anymore. America gets better by the day!

Stefan and Elena make eyes at each other while history teacher talks about the comet, and then that’s the end of class, and Elena borrows Stefan’s copy of Wuthering Heights, with the byline of Currer Bell. It must be like a first or second edition then, yes? and he says he’s read it several times…. Should anyone be touching this book? Is it even able to go, like, out? Should it be anywhere near a high school?!

I would just absolutely love to visit the planet where they grow tv writers, it must be so bizarre.

Bonnie is still going on about being descended from Salem witches, as if any of that were more than petty small-town power struggles. Caroline saw some hot guy while drunk… last night? The bonfire was LAST NIGHT? How the fuck is time working in this show? You have big drunken bonfires on school nights?

no! I have no idea!

Jeremy tries to start some shit with Tyler about Vicki, and threatens to kill him. Hope that comes up again later, but my hopes are very low.

Elena chats with Matt about Vicki, conveniently in a place Stefan can overhear, and apparently Vicki said she was attacked by a vampire? I missed that.

The history teacher also teaches Jeremy, and that’s who Aunt Jenna is meeting with, because Jeremy has missed 6 classes because he’s on drugs. How long has this school been in session?! Yesterday was the first day, but he’s missed 6 history classes? Days of classes?

Y’all, I know this seems like I’m nitpicking or being a bitch for no reason, but this is extremely basic shit that I find intensely confusing when I watch shows. All these disjointed scenes and weird time jumps I could overlook if they didn’t insist on contradicting themselves and setting up absolutely insane plot points that no human has ever experienced. Drunken teen bonfire on a school night? No one plans that, come on. School started yesterday, 6 classes gone? On what planet? School started yesterday, parent-teacher conference today? Why? I have a novel I haven’t released yet because I realized – after several rounds of edits and beta readings – that I had written about 7 weeks’ worth of plot for 3 weeks of book time. Now I have to go back and fix the timeline, which is an enormous pain in the ass, but I refuse to let a book go on sale when it’s confusing and poorly edited!

Shit like this – dumb shit, shit that no one thought to check because “why would it matter?” – is the easiest way to lose an audience, I guarantee. Or maybe not, maybe everyone is very stupid and doesn’t care, this damn thing went on for 8 seasons, but still. If you want to be GOOD at writing, don’t put in nine different time schemes and then wonder why people have no idea what’s going on in your story – or why they don’t seem to care much.


Anyway. It seems like History is going to ask Jenna out? But then he just says that raising teenagers is “extremely impossible” and the fact she didn’t say that means she sucks at it.

I didn’t find it difficult at all, and impossible is self-limiting, like unique

Stefan now goes to visit Vicki, after overhearing “vampire”. Matt’s already there – wait, no, Stefan came before? and we have a weird flashback of him mojoing Vicki that it was an animal attack? And then she has some weird fit or PTSD flashback or something? And Stefan jumps out an open window? Welp. Don’t really know what any of that was about.

Bonnie’s grandma says the comet is a bad omen, and the last time it went over, there was a lot of death. But, Caroline reminds us, Grandma’s a drunk, so let’s talk about why Elena and Stefan haven’t fucked yet! I dunno, Caro, because it’s been one…day? Ok, no, I don’t feel comfortable with that assessment of time, so… because not everyone is a slut like you and me? But let’s be clear, here: I kind of love Caroline already. “What’s to think about? Boy and girl meet Boy and girl like each other. And then: sex!”

mmm, I love cake

Elena hops up and goes to… fuck Stefan, apparently.

Jenna picks up tacos for dinner and gives Jeremy half a lecture about weed, of all things, before she turns her back on him and he leaves the house.

Vicki is awake, feeling fine, saying she was attacked by an animal. We get more than 2 lines in this scene only because Jeremy shows up while Matt is still there! Vicki thinks that Matt is suspicious of Jeremy because of the hooking up, but no, it’s because she said vampire and then changed it to animal, duh.

Elena shows up at Stefan’s Craftsman-on-the-outside, French-Country-chateau-on-the-inside, and no one seems home, but oh noez! Corvid! Damon’s home. Ian Somerholder’s hair is absolutely awful in this scene, very distracting. Anyway, he tells Elena about Catherine, whose name is apparently spelled with a K, but not on this blog. We only make an exception to the proper spelling for Janeway. Stefan shows up and cuts that short, then stares hard at Damon for almost a full minute, despite Elena leaving the room.

No, wait, the house? Wasn’t she here to jump his bones? Why did she just leave? Oh, and Damon and Stefan get their 2 boring sentences about humans v. vampires in.

Oh, Elena tells Jenna that Stefan is “on the rebound and has family issues”. Is that why you left? Does that really affect the decision to fuck a guy you’ve known for 20 minutes, though? You weren’t there to propose?

Y’all, I’mma use up all the world’s question marks, damn. I just do not have a clue here.

Pictured: me, I guess?

I’ll say one thing for the ridiculous scene length: it does make the episodes go very fast. Vicki’s having dreams about Damon all vamped out, still in the hospital.

Bonnie and Elena have a weird “conversation” (5 sentences) about dating, and they literally sound like 40-year-olds. Oh, and they’re handing out flyers? for the comet festivities? the…same afternoon? Anyway, “at least I put myself out there!” says Elena.

Discount Rick Grimes asks if Elena’s worth it; no real answer from Stefan.

Vicki’s out of the hospital, asking Jeremy for drugs.

Everyone is in the town square or the green or whatever for the comet, and they’re all lighting candles like it’s an Easter service, while staring up at a mostly motionless, huge-ass comet. Looks like it’s in the atmosphere, huge. This one we’ll ignore, I understand it’s for story purposes.

Elena and Stefan make up after he apologizes “for yesterday”, so at least this isn’t the same day! They talk around Catherine, vaguely, the way everything happens to these people. Elena’s life is “too complicated to even think about dating”, but NOTHING IS HAPPENING, ELENA. NOTHING.

this is why I blow shit up in my stories

Damon is hiding inside the main restaurant set where Vicki is, for some reason. She says she knows him, he says that’s unfortunate, she goes to take her pill in the bathroom, Damon attacks her again.

Jeremy lets the Vicki cat out of the bag, so to speak, to Elena and Caroline and Tyler, who are now also in the… restaurant? which is now full of people? Whatever, they all go looking for Vicki, and Elena tells Jeremy again to get his shit together.

Matt asks Stefan if he’s seen Vicki, he says no, but he did see her at the hospital yesterday, and then Matt says he’s always looking out for Elena, which is a conversation that 1. makes sense, and 2. is totally how humans talk.

the writers are from France

Stefan hears Vicki and Damon, so he heads to where they are, on top of a building. Damon is trying to prove that Stefan can’t mojo if he’s not eating people, and Vicki says that Damon did it, but then Damon mojos her to say Stefan did it, rips off her bandage, and shoves her at Stefan. We’ve seen this fight a million times, right? It’s only good in Interview, when Claudia demands a caretaker from Louis, let’s be honest. Damon then mojos Vicki so none of that ever happened, and she just thinks it’s the painkillers.

Stefan goes back to the restaurant (so much back and forthing), where Matt thanks him for finding Vicki, and then Stefan asks Bonnie and Caroline where Elena is, but she’s gone home. Bonnie give him Elena’s number and email and tells him to text, but she touches him when she gives him the paper and has another non-visual vision. “What happened to you?” she says, frightened, but, like, clearly nothing! This whole show has been so far 84 minutes of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENING.

Jenna is searching Jeremy’s room when Elena gets home. Everything she finds is pot. I – well, I’m from a legal state and I gently parented my kiddo, so I don’t understand any of this nonsense. Maybe get the kid… I dunno, uh… THERAPY?!

Jeremy sees Vicki and Tyler kissing.

Caroline gets attacked while wearing the world’s worst outfit. No wait, she just runs into Damon? They sure built it up to an attack, but then they just talked.

Despite seeing the comet earlier, Elena goes to Stefan’s and drags him into the yard to look at it again. She was just going to go home (she was home) and write things in her diary that she should be saying to him, so she does – and still starts “Dear Diary”? Anyway, they like each other, and Stefan has the mentality of a 15-year-old, so it’ll all be fine. They kiss.

Oh, Caroline took Damon home! And he bites during sex, and then the episode ends. Damon. My guy. Stop it. Honestly, I don’t have a lot of enforcement mechanisms in my vampire world, but I’d invent some just for him. Might invent some for him anyway, bump him off in the next Imperial Vampires joint if he doesn’t shape the fuck up, just so I can feel like someone punished him.

Until next week, Daimons!

SGRoA: Blood Ties, S1 E6: Love Hurts

SGRoA post 94 of 122

All I can think is this:

such a good movie, highly recommend, it was free on Tubi a little while ago

We open at Vicki’s office, where she’s talking to the Gary Shandling you get on Wish about following his wife to prove cheating. For whatever reasons, she’s trying to talk him out of it? Vicki, how do you pay your bills?

Coreen wants it to be a fun little X-File, but Vicki says it’s not. And in the next scene, we do see that she is cheating, and her husband’s name is actually Gary. And then, of course, she’s dead, because this is a spooky cop show, after all.

Ooh, daylight’s all blue-filtered again. Are we Twilighting here? Vicki shows up to Gary Shandling’s ritzy house, swarming with cops, because Gary called her as well after finding his wife dead. 2007 TV hairdressers have gotten to Vicki, too, and it’s a tragedy of big, barrell-rolled half-waves all going the same direction and never moving. I’m glad TV people got big into braids and shit again; the aughts were a terrible time for TV hair.

Vicki goes out for drinks with Henry, who… does magic to her martini when she complains about it? Can he just… do that? WTF kind of vampire are you, Henry?

and also, wtf did you do to the drink? more gin? more vermouth? olive juice? WHAT?!

Anyway, Vicki’s complaining that Gary made a joke about hiring a hitman, and then his wife’s dead, and she doesn’t like being an alibi. Henry maintains she’s complaining because regular murder is boring, and yikes, even if it is, like, it’s murder? She really shouldn’t be complaining that someone else’s life ending horribly is “boring”, come on now. I already hate all of you people; don’t make it worse.

Henry asks if her client is afraid of the “justice” system, and she warns him not to talk bad about the cops, and what the fuck did I just ask for, Vicki? Did I ask for you to go all “back the blue” and be more of an asshole? No, I did not.

no, I don’t know why they’re always cops. or working with cops. not my fave genre, but I make do

Vicki won’t say Mike is bad at his job, so Henry leaves.

Next day, Vicki’s asking the trophy wives in the neighborhood what happened. They maintain that they’re all very happy, someone broke in to kill Gary’s Wife (I missed her name, sorry, I’m not rewinding), and it couldn’t have been anyone they’ve hired, because they vet everyone before they’re allowed in the neighborhood. Also, they all share the same gardener, who was “teaching us flower arranging” last night during the murder. Sure, sounds legit.

Mike and partner have nothing, all the prints have checked out. Oh, Dave, his partner’s name is Dave! Anyway, some woman hands Cellucci a file (Kate), and Dave makes some crack about them being in love? and then she says that whoever sent the file says that next time Cellucci wants a case from 1932, he can go fuck himself. Only, you know, no swearing. Also, who the fuck is Kate? Why is Dave making cracks about them flirting? WHY DOES THIS SHOW MAKE ZERO GODDAMN SENSE?

me, looking up “last writers strike” and going OHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Vicki chats up the gardener. He says he gave a class in flower arranging. Marcy didn’t go, and now I know the vic’s name is Marcy, though she was invited. The gardener is hitting on Vicki hard-core, standing way too close, giving her flowers, quoting poetry. Vicki giggles and tries to get the interview back on track, but fails, because…the guy is hot, I guess? Seems kinda gross and too familiar to me, but what do I know, turns out the A in A spec doesn’t just stand for autism, so, you know.

She then runs into one of the other husbands, who’s looking for his wife in his backyard, where Vicki’s been giggling at the gardener. He doesn’t have any real ideas, except for Gary. He has a whole collection of figurines that his anthropologist mother collected, and I assume they’re, like, erotic? because that’s how Vicki reacts, though most of them seem to be just heads. I hope this comes up again later, because I also had to sit through the line, “Women were really women back then,” and I would like my money back. (I spent no money on this DVD, it was a gift, but honestly, is my time not worth anything?)

So, so far, we have a sex-obsessed trophy-wife village, Henry doing bizarre magics that don’t seem to accomplish anything (colder? maybe he made the drink colder? the captions said “whoosh”?), a creepy gardener, Cellucci and a random extra, and anthropological statues that are sexy, despite a complete lack of phalluses. Great episode, thrilled that we still have… holy shit, more than 30 minutes to go.

a little pink person with a yellow speech bubble that says "oh no"

Pointless scene to almost kiss Henry, and then… the gardener is in Vicki’s dreams. Ah. Got it. Gardener is a weird creature, or witch, or whatever, killed Marcy while also giving flower lessons. Excellent. Now I just have to sit through…28 more minutes. Delightful.

More pointlessness with Henry. I think it’s supposed to be banter, like they’re in a 40s movie or something, but it’s just bad. Like, very badly written, and it’s not advancing the story of the episode or the story of the characters, so why is it here? Why am I sitting through this? (I mean, I do it for you guys, but besides that?)

Vicki goes to see Mike, he dismisses the gardener. She asks him to dinner, he gets jealous about Henry, and again, I’M BORED. It’s a procedural, get back to the fucking procedure. We know Mike hates Henry. We know he’s still hung up on Vicki. WE FUCKING KNOW.

So Vicki takes Henry to the country club to unleash his “mojo” on the trophy wives, since Vicki thinks they’re lying about the flower-arranging class. Henry says he doesn’t have “mojo”, but he did weird magic to Vicki’s drinks that did apparently nothing and she was then happy with said drinks, so, like, it’s more than charm, obviously, Henry. And more weird jealousy-nonsense about Henry biting the trophy wives.

I might be having a less-than-stellar pain day, too, but come on. Boring.

This country club looks like a 90s McMansion, so I guess none of these people is old money. Henry can’t find any evidence the trophy wives are lying, though. Coreen and Vicki are talking about Henry and Mike, of course, on their way back to the neighborhood to interview the gardener again, for some reason. Because whoever wrote this episode is not an actual human, is my guess, but maybe they’re just neurotypical, same difference.

Coreen posits that the killer is an incubus, and then they both hear screaming and Vicki busts into someone’s bedroom. There’s a hooded figure and a bright blue light coming out of the woman’s mouth, and then the figure is gone and no one’s seen anything. For some reason the anthropologist’s son is there, along with the lady’s husband? and Coreen? OK, sure.

Oh, because it’s an incubus, the episode is supposed to be sexy? Got it. Maybe have it written by someone who’s, I dunno, like, HAD SEX, tho? None of this reads as “sexy” unless you’re, like, 11 and don’t know what the word actually means yet.

Aha! The anthropological things can be used to summon incubi. At least they came back around to those, though someone should really have googled for five seconds before creating them. Apparently, the wives have a drinking – excuse me, “networking” group, where they get drunk as shit. They played with the artifacts one night and then the gardener showed up the next week, so seems like he’s the incubus and I was right.

Less than 15 minutes to go!

Arguing with Mike about whether or not incubi exist, and secondarily, whether one is at work in this case. Yawn. They need to use “sexually frustrated” Vicki as bait to trap the incubus. Vicki goes to borrow the artifact. Dude who owns it is mad about it, especially because his wife paid off the mini-mansion mortgage. Yawn. Henry and Mike are both at the trapping, with Vicki in her underwear. Jealous fighting. Yawn.

hail, hail, the gang’s all here!

They trap the incubus, he says he didn’t kill anyone. He gets food, shelter, and sex from the gardener job, he loves the women, what’s his motive? Fair point, dude, and this actor is putting his whole ass into the work, but still. Coreen’s hair is very, very weird. They move onto another artifact, one of the Furies: Megara.

she could never

But she did, and they go to the last trophy wife’s house and save her. The fucking end.

I remembered this show being not very good, but still fun. Much like I remembered Moonlight. I don’t know what I was smoking in 2007 (not true, it was nothing, I wasn’t even on cigarettes then!), but I watched all these shows, and I did not remember them being the absolute steaming piles they have turned out to be. Is it hindsight? Is it changing social mores? I don’t know.

And I know these recaps aren’t as fun as, say, a good FK episode, but, like, WHY ARE THEY SO BAD. I know there was a writers’ strike in ’07; I had no idea they hired ten-year-olds off the street to write absolutely insane trash and then put that on the actual television.

No wonder these things only got single seasons. I wouldn’t be able to slog through more than that.

ANYWAY – I’ll be back next week, ever hoping for a half-decent 45 minutes of television, but I don’t have high hopes. If y’all have any vampire show suggestions, I’m down, because oh my god. Could something else be worse? Yes, of course, crappiness has no boundaries. But I’m getting to a point where it feels like anything could also be better, and I want to have fun! I want to make cool jokes! I don’t want to have to keep being like “why are NTs like this”, because it’s boring!

I love you guys, and I love recapping, but I dunno. Might have to start recapping the YouTubers I watch – at least they’re interesting!

SGRoA: Moonlight, s1 e3: Dr. Feelgood

SGRoA post 75 of 122

Another glorious week in a panini, my lovely little Snowflakes, and not much is going on. I am getting to be an entirely adequate baker; we’re considering starting an herb garden; I have been watching too much 80s tv. But the weather as I write this is grey and cold and lovely, and I’m in a good mood because now I’ve got Guns N Roses in my head, so let’s begin!

Continue reading

RiTS: Forever Knight, Intimations of Mortality, Chapter 5

RitS post 22 of 22

Nice to see you on this chilly May morning, Snowflakes. I would LOVE to be writing about the writing in Infinity War, but I have a not-so-sneaky suspicion that I will be in the minority opinion here. But if you saw it, tell me what you thought over on FB or Twitter.

So, Chapter 5. Nick’s a vampire again, and he heads over to the Raven looking for Vachon. Vachon isn’t there, of course, because we need some exposition. The blood in the vampires’ glasses smells cloying. Urs likes to flirt with Nick. Vachon is Urs’s sire. Urs is only around 100. Nick thinks the world is boring. Continue reading

RiTS: Forever Knight: Intimations of Mortality, Chapter 4

RitS post 21 of 22


Are you awake now? Yeah, well, sorry. Here: let me help you back to sleep!

Human!Nick is sleeping at his desk, and Tracy’s giving him shit about it. He drinks coffee. There’s a heat wave, and Tracy gets to wear shorts because she’s a detective.  Continue reading

RiTS: Forever Knight, Intimations of Mortality, Chapter 3: Legalization Edition

RitS post 20 of 22

OK, you guys, here’s the thing: I have read ahead in this book. I’ve been through about 5 chapters now.

It is so. boring.

Maybe I’m jaded. Maybe I study too much story structure. Maybe this plot just feels stale because this book is 20 years old already. I don’t know.

What I DO know, though, is that I have a beautiful bong and a whole bunch of high-quality flower in my garage, and that shit makes everything interesting. So here, thanks to the good voters of Colorado and the awesome folks at my local dispensary, is Chapter 3, enhanced. Continue reading

RiTS: Forever Knight, Intimations of Mortality, Chapter 2

RitS post 19 of 22

So…it’s been a while, hasn’t it, guys? Yeah. I know. I’m sorry. Some stuff came up, and it turned out to be a pretty weird year, so…things fell by the wayside. It happens.

But I’m back in business, here to provide all your Forever Knight needs (that you clearly didn’t know you had, because let’s be honest: no one needs this shit, right? Right.)! If you don’t remember Chapter One, you can read it here.

Let’s get started! Continue reading