SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E13: Crazy Love: Beyonce Edition

SGRoA post 36 of 122

With a title like that, I hope I get to use a ton of Beyonce gifs. Sorry for no recap last week. I’ll be honest: August is the suck. It’s not really summer anymore, but nothing’s started back up for the fall, and I just want to lie in bed and watch TV all day. So, basically, I’m hella lazy, and you guys suffered for it. I’d say I’ll try to be better, but we all know I won’t, so let’s get some recapping done! Dude.

We open on an extreme close-up of a creepy, creepy guy talking about how murder is just lovemaking. Barf. He’s talking to a shrink – Dr. Welsh – about his crimes. Dude is a stone-cold creepazoid, but Dr. Welsh is a consummate professional. Of course, she was talking to him as an agent of the court, determining his fitness for trial. She proclaims him Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E08: Faithful Followers

SGRoA post 31 of 122

Snowflakes! Did you miss Nick? I did. A little. Okay, fine, a lot. But he’s back, and he’s bringing his whole cult with him!

We open on a bunch of people holding their hands over a glowing globe. They look pretty happy, except for the dude who’s skulking around the basement with a ladder and a flashlight. And a toolbelt. Oh, I see. Cults never tip for good electrical services. Also, he’s being stalked by someone with a mop bucket who pours all the water out all over the basement, then flips the breakers so that’s the end of our electrician. Can’t wait to hear the motive for that one. Continue reading