Friday Roundup

Afternoon, Snowflakes! I’m debuting a new feature today – my Friday Roundup! Every Friday, I’ll be commenting on what I’ve seen around the interwebz during the week. And if you have a tip or a story for me, please contact me! You might be featured on next week’s Roundup!

So. Let’s start with the big one: Amazon vs. Hachette. Lord. There has been so much digital ink devoted to this story – and probably real ink, too, I don’t know, I don’t read papers or magazines much. The amazing J.A. Konrath has several posts up about the dispute currently, but this one is probably the most thorough. And everyone and their dog has a post up about how evil Amazon is, so I’m not linking to those. Continue reading

Super Giant Recaps of Awesome: Forever Knight S01E01: Dark Knight Part 1

SGRoA post 1 of 122

Wow. That’s a long title. It’ll get shortened, I promise. (I like acronyms.)

So. Here’s the thing. I have some time on my hands and a whole shit-ton of vampire movies and TV shows on DVD. Since it’s a while since my next book comes out, and since I know all of you out in Catherine Winters FanLand (all, like, 10 of you, I know) are dying to hear my opinions on everything (snort), I figured I’d use my powers for good. Or, at least, for snark.

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