Room 217

All work and no play makes Cate a dull girl.
 ALl work and no play makes Cata dull girl.
 all work and no play makes Cate a dull girl
 All work and no play makes Cate a dull girl.
 All worl and no play makes Kate a dull Girl.
 All  work a nd no play  makes Cate a dull girl.
This just kills me pun pic.
All work and no play makes Cate a dull girl.
 All work and no  play makes Cate a dull girl.
 All work andd no play amkes Cate a dull gir;.
 All worl and no play makes Cate a dull girl.
 All work and no play makes Cate a dull girl.
 All work and no play makes cate a dull girl.

SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E07: Hunted

SGRoA post 30 of 122

In which we have another Se7en knockoff episode? The DVD liner notes tell me this ep is about some killer hunting killers. But I’m pretty sure we already had that plot, didn’t we? Whatever, I guess. Onward!

We open on a dude dressed like a soldier walking around an…apartment complex? I think? Anyway, he looks at his watch, which is counting down to something. He’s all freaked out and keeps running around on these ramps – maybe it’s a municipal building? It’s big. I can’t imagine so many ramps at an apartment. He starts going through a trash can and finds a gun, so he shoots at nothing, and then gets shot dead. Someone else takes a metal suitcase – full of cash, obvies, because what else does one put in metal suitcases? – out of the trash and walks away. Continue reading