SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E08: Faithful Followers

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Snowflakes! Did you miss Nick? I did. A little. Okay, fine, a lot. But he’s back, and he’s bringing his whole cult with him!

We open on a bunch of people holding their hands over a glowing globe. They look pretty happy, except for the dude who’s skulking around the basement with a ladder and a flashlight. And a toolbelt. Oh, I see. Cults never tip for good electrical services. Also, he’s being stalked by someone with a mop bucket who pours all the water out all over the basement, then flips the breakers so that’s the end of our electrician. Can’t wait to hear the motive for that one. Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E05: Forward Into The Past

SGRoA post 28 of 122

Snowflakes! How’s your summer starting? Ours got hot, all at once. Like, two weeks ago it snowed, today it was 90. Ah, Colorado. Never change.

We open on that same weird warehouse set we’ve seen a millionty times already. Some old lady is tied to a chair, and there’s a tray full of torture devices being fondled by someone’s black glove. Dude takes off his sunglasses and he’s got perfectly bland green eyes. “All I want to know,” he says, “is where is Catherine?” Cut to screaming, and then the opening credits. Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E01: Killer Instinct: Basic Edition

SGRoA post 23 of 122

SEASON TWO!!!!!!!! I’m hoping the show gets more consistent, but I’m also jazzed because the very first episode of this season has a commentary track by co-creator and executive producer James D. Parriott and Nick Knight himself, Geraint Wyn Davies. Do I dare turn that on? I think I do, Snowflakes. I think I dare indeed.

Oh, but they talk over everything. Hmm. But I have learned that the flying scenes were filmed by little remote-control helicopters. And that Geraint is pronounced with a hard G, not a soft one, like I’ve been saying for twenty years. Sorry, Mr. Davies!

You know what, Snowflakes? I think this calls for two recaps. I’ll do my normal shtick, and then I’ll come back and recap the commentary. What do you think? Good idea? Terrible one? Are you guys even reading these? Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S01 E21: Fatal Mistake

SGRoA post 21 of 122

Anyone else singing Sheryl Crow now? “You’re my fatal mista-a-ake!” My fatal mistake was thinking I could work Holy Week at a Catholic church and still get my writing done. Even this recap is late. Sorry, guys. Next week we’ll be right on time for your Thursday enjoyment.

We open on a Canadian convenience store. Stonetree’s fat-shaming himself at the cooler when two guys pull a gun on the cashier. Stonetree hears the robbery going down, and tells them to put the gun on the counter and walk away. They don’t, obviously. Stonetree chases them out, and one goes over a fence. The other one’s cornered by the cap’n and his drawn gun, but the first guy fires from behind Number 2. Stonetree returns fire and kills the guy, and now it looks like he just shot some unarmed dude for fun. Which I would expect of American police, but not of Canadians! Canada’s so polite, I bet their cops actually protect and serve. Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S01 E05: Dance By The Light Of The Moon

SGRoA post 5 of 122

Snowflakes! I am in my first week of NaNoWriMo. It’s my second attempt. My first was several years ago, with the manuscript that eventually became MADNESS, but it was cut short by the flu after, like, four days. So far, all is well here at Casa de Winters, but knock on wood for me, would you? Onto the festivities!

A man in a suit and a trench holds a grubby, paper-wrapped package as he wanders an abandoned…warehouse? The sets are so badly lit, yo – to meet a pretty blonde who’s glad he “brought it”. She wants him to describe what it felt like to be a thief, and then we’re on to the sexing until another guy in another suit and trench kills the first guy. Blondie’s all about making guys do bad things. She kills Trench #2, and walks off, leaving the knife still in his back, with all her fingerprints all over the damn thing. Not even the killers can manage a little pride in their work! Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S01 E02: Dark Knight Part 2

SGRoA post 2 of 122

Hello, Snowflakes! It’s time for the next installment of Super Giant Recaps of Awesome! Are you ready to finish the cinematic masterpiece that is a remake of a movie with Rick Springfield? Of course you are. Let’s get to it.

When we last left our intrepid bunch, ancient Mayan blood ritual cups had gone missing, a bunch of drained bodies were popping up, Nick was not doing so great at hiding his vampirism or policing, and Lacroix was sending not-entirely-cryptic radio messages to him. Oh, yeah, and homeless people were dying, including Nick’s random homeless friends (whom we will never see again). Continue reading