Room 217

All work and no play makes Cate a dull girl.
 ALl work and no play makes Cata dull girl.
 all work and no play makes Cate a dull girl
 All work and no play makes Cate a dull girl.
 All worl and no play makes Kate a dull Girl.
 All  work a nd no play  makes Cate a dull girl.
This just kills me pun pic.
All work and no play makes Cate a dull girl.
 All work and no  play makes Cate a dull girl.
 All work andd no play amkes Cate a dull gir;.
 All worl and no play makes Cate a dull girl.
 All work and no play makes Cate a dull girl.
 All work and no play makes cate a dull girl.

Red Alert

Cover of "Red" (1st Edition) by Catherine Winters. A vampire urban fantasy novel set in Denver, Colorado.Red will be released 9/15. You can get a sample right now from Smashwords. Pre-orders will be available shortly from AmazonBarnes & Noble, iBooks, and Kobo.

As they become available I will update this post with links.

UPDATE: Red and Black are on sale until 9/15. Normally $3.99 (US), get Black for only $0.99 and pre-order Red for $2.99. If you order both, it’s 2 for the price of 1.

Friday Roundup: Nuts and Bolts

I have been editing for what feels like months. Editing is just the suck. Time suck, energy suck, brain-power suck. And though it’s an integral part of the writing process, especially if you want to publish, it often feels as though it doesn’t get you ahead – and sometimes pushes you back.

Truth is, of course, that editing is almost as important as the writing itself. For a pantser like me – someone who writes without an outline or plot already conceived, “by the seat of my pants” – editing has to happen throughout writing a novel, because I can turn myself around and make terrible things happen to a plot if I’m not checking myself.

So because craft has been on my mind, today’s roundup is about the nuts and bolts of writing – story ideas, tips, and neat shit I found this week. Continue reading

Big News

No recap this week, Snowflakes. Sorry. It was a big week, and I was out and about a lot, and frankly, time just got away from me. There will be a Roundup tomorrow, and definitely a recap next week.

But! That’s not the news!

As you may have noticed, I’ve taken down anything associated with my cover image for BLACK. That’s because Continue reading