SGRoA: Forever Knight S03 E05: Blind Faith

SGRoA post 55 of 122

Snowflakes! It’s 70 degrees here! I can’t even tell you how happy I am to have some spring. I know we’ll have some more snow – probably on Easter, since I bought a new dress that will not work with boots – but hey, for now, I’m enjoying smoking on the patio.

Let’s recap!

A blind woman and her dog are out walking at night. The dog is whining, which is obviously a sound effect, because his tail is wagging. They find a bench and the lady lets him off his leash, presumably so he can get some exercise or poop or something. Do service dogs get trained to poop in the same places, or in, like, a doggie litterbox or something? Hmm. Questions I’ve never thought to ask.

Anyway. The dog is digging around, and two hands come out of the dirt and pull the dog down.

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