
As promised in Spontaneous Transformations, this post will explore my theories about why vampires know so little about the process.

Spontaneous Transformations are very rare, and it seems that one has not happened in a very long time. The most recent being some 2000 years ago to my best knowledge, and as far as anyone knows, none of them are still alive. This leaves no direct source of information about the events surrounding their transformations.  And of course, “out of sight, out of mind” probably applies here too.

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Catherine’s Rumors

I thought I should give a little explanation of the statement I made in Webmaster Specials about things being based on “Catherine’s facts and rumors”, specifically the “rumors”. It has to do with her writing process. She doesn’t plan things out in advance, but rather writes as her characters tell her what they are doing. So she doesn’t always know things for certain, as some authors might. I call these not yet solidified facts “rumors” because they may turn out to be true or false as the stories unfold.

Spontaneous Transformation

Spontaneous Transformation: The process of a human becoming a vampire without the aid of a vampire. Sometimes called Original Transformation.

Note: The more common Deliberate Transformation will be discussed in a later post.

Here’s the interesting part, these transformation terms are mine. Vampires don’t have names for these things, they apparently don’t think about them too hard. In fact, most vampires have never met an “original” vampire, or even know who was the first of any line. The only vampire still in existence known to have been transformed by an original is Augustus. And by “known”, I mean most vampires consider this information a myth. I’m not sure if Augustus even knows with certainty that he was sired by an original.

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Webmaster Specials

As someone who played Advanced Dungeons & Dragons back in the day, I understand and appreciate the world creation processes that authors go through. Worlds can be little more than our own with a splash of fiction, to highly customized and alien places. They can be created on the fly as the story progresses, or heavily planned in advance. They can be filled with intricate details or painted with broad stokes. However they are created, exploring them can be interesting and fun.

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But God, that lust. My hands tensed on the steering wheel as I thought of it, wanting even now to touch him again, to feel that brilliant flash of desire. What did they call it in more civilized circles? Chemistry. Yeah. That didn’t quite seem to cover it, though I was closer to understanding what all the fuss about sex was just standing in a room with Black than I ever had been in bed with Max.

-BLACK, Chapter 3, Josephine

Have you ever felt this way about someone?

Introductions: Grant Black

A stranger that you’ve met once, in a brief encounter, shows up while you’re dining by yourself. After trading a few barbs with you, he proceeds to pay for your meal.

“You women today,” he said, ignoring my grabbing for the check as he swept it off the table into his huge hands. “The interesting ones won’t accept a gift, and the boring ones make it an expectation.” He placed a ridiculously large bill in the check wallet and slapped it shut, stowing his billfold in his front pocket. “And so we’re not strangers anymore: I’m Grant Black.”

-BLACK, Chapter 3

So tell me, how would you react to this kind of introduction?

Hello, World!

Took me two days to write this post.













Okay, so here’s the thing: I am terrible at blogging. Like, really terrible. So I warn you in advance this will be a random, inconsistent, and sporadic exercise, but I will do my best.

Mostly, I hope to use the site to let you, my fans, know about any upcoming appearances or releases and to show off my covers and contests. I’ll also take any blog post subject suggestions you’ve got – seriously, anything, and I’ll try to write about it.

I’ll also be putting up excerpts and short stories for free, so if you need a Winters fix between books, this’ll be the place to check.

Welcome to my site! Hope to see you again soon!